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Partial Order


A generic interface for partial orders.


I have 3 main motivations:

  • Ordering for sorted data structures.
  • Customizable equal-now-like behavior within Rhombus.
  • Equality within tolerance for testing check-within.

Note that most sorted data structures expect a total order, not a partial order. But a key type that implements a partial order can still be useful if only a subset of keys are allowed which are all comparable to each other: for example Real numbers only have a partial order because NaN exists, but if they're free to accept that and just error when they see NaN is incomparable, they can still be very useful.

Design Options

Option A: Comparison only, any resemblance to equality is entirely coincedental

Data definitions that want to implement partial orders only need to implement one method: partial_compare. Implementations of partial_compare are not expected to be compatible with with Equatable, ==, or Racket's equal? in any way, and there is no hash code associated with this.

Interface to be implemented by data definitions privately

A PartialOrdering is a Real number:

  • Negative represents < less than
  • Zero represents = equal to
  • Positive represents > greater than
  • NaN represents incomparable

The interface PartialOrder is intended to be implemented privately with the partial_compare method:

// Self is implicit
method partial_compare(other :: Imp, recur :: (Any, Any) -> PartialOrdering) :: PartialOrdering

The method implementation may assume that other's method implementation comes from the same type.

It is expected that mutable data structures can implement partial_compare in a way that depends on mutable state, and so ordering might change after mutation.

Operations to be used publicly

An Ordering is a comparable real number, excluding NaN:

  • Negative represents < less than
  • Zero represents = equal to
  • Positive represents > greater than


  • fun partial_compare(a, b) :: PartialOrdering Follows type-specific partial_compare method implementations when the method implementations come from the same type. Produces NaN when they come from different types. When the types don't implement PartialOrder, it can use equal?/recur for a product order.
  • fun compare(a, b) :: Ordering Errors when partial_compare would produce NaN, otherwise produces the Ordering it would produce.
  • fun within(a, b, epsilon :: Real) :: Boolean Produces true when they compare equal, while allowing numbers within them to be different by at most epsilon from one another, false otherwise.


  • operator (a =~ b) :: Boolean produces true when partial_compare produces zero, false when it produces something else (including NaN)
  • operator (a !=~ b) :: Boolean produces true when partial_compare produces something other than zero (including NaN), false on zero
  • operator (a <~ b) :: Boolean produces true when compare produces negative, false on positive or zero, and errors on errors (including errors when partial_compare produces NaN)
  • operator (a >~ b) :: Boolean produces true when compare produces positive, false on negative or zero, and errors on errors (including errors when partial_compare produces NaN)
  • operator (a <=~ b) :: Boolean produces true when compare produces negative or zero, false on positive, and errors on errors (including errors when partial_compare produces NaN)
  • operator (a >=~ b) :: Boolean produces true when compare produces positive or zero, false on negative, and errors on errors (including errors when partial_compare produces NaN)

Option B: Comparison with hash, connected with equal-now

Data definitions that want to implement partial orders need two methods: partial_compare and compare_hash_code. Partial orders interact with Racket's equal?/recur through product orders (not lexicographic orders).

Interface to be implemented by data definitions privately

The interface PartialOrder is intended to be implemented privately with these methods:

// Self is implicit
method partial_compare(other :: Imp, recur :: (Any, Any) -> PartialOrdering) :: PartialOrdering

// Self is implicit
method compare_hash_code(recur :: (Any) -> Integer) :: Integer

The partial_compare method may assume that other's method implementation comes from the same type.

It is expected that mutable data structures can implement partial orders in a way that depends on their mutable state, and so ordering might change after mutation.

The compare_hash_code method can error when an element isn't comparable to anything, not even itself (such as NaN).

Operations to be used publicly


  • All the same functions from Option A: Comparison only
  • fun compare_hash_code(a) :: Integer Follows type-specific compare_hash_code method implementations, behaves compatibly with .= on real numbers, and on other types, follows hash code methods from their equality implementations.
  • Racket's equal? and equal-hash-code can use these methods as well.


  • All the same operators from Option A: Comparison only

Option C: Comparison with key, connected with equal-now via hash-proc recur

Data definitions that want to implement partial orders can either just implement the compare_key method, or implement both compare_key and partial_compare. Partial orders interact with Racket's equal?/recur through product orders (not lexicographic orders).

Interface to be implemented by data definitions privately

The interface PartialOrder is intended to be implemented privately with these methods:

// Self is implicit
method compare_key() :: Any

// Self is implicit
method partial_compare(other :: Imp, recur :: (Any, Any) -> PartialOrdering) :: PartialOrdering

With the partial_compare method optional.

The partial_compare method may assume that other's method implementation comes from the same type.

It is expected that mutable data structures can implement partial orders in a way that depends on their mutable state, and so ordering might change after mutation.

The compare_key method can error when an element isn't comparable to anything, not even itself (such as NaN).

Operations to be used publicly


  • All the same functions from Option B: Comparison with hash


  • All the same operators from Option B: Comparison with hash

Option D: Comparators produce false on incomparable values

The same as either option A, B, or C, except that when values are incomparable, <~, <=~, >~, and >=~ each produce false instead of an error.

This allows some short-circuiting behavior, such as:

[2, Baddie1()] <=~ [1, Baddie2()]
[2, Baddie1()] <~ [1, Baddie2()]

These should return false immeditately after comparing 2 and 1, without comparing Baddie1() and Baddie2(). Where option A, B, or C would try to compare Baddie1() and Baddie2() to see whether they're comparable or not.

Option D-A provides the same interfaces and operations as option A, but with the false results on incomparable values and better short-circuiting.

Option D-B provides the same as option B, but with false and short-circuiting.

Option D-C provides the same as option C, but with false and short-circuiting.

Evaluation and Tradeoffs

Option A is relatively simple and easier to implement than Option B or C.

Option B and C provide more functionality with hash codes and support for Racket's equal?. But options B and C would probably require building this into the core of Racket so that they can access hash-proc methods with their recur arguments.

Between B and C, B is simpler to implement but slightly harder for users. While C is slightly trickier to implement but easier for users.

Options A, B, and C can provide error messages where users might expect values to be comparable when they're not. This can help those users find errors more quickly if they either have warped expectations from total orders, or when they accidentally mix types that they didn't mean to mix. Option D expects users of <~, <=~, etc. to know that it's a partial order where values can be incomparable. But option D's short-circuiting is very desirable, and producing false results on incomparable values also makes it more consistent overall, bringing <~, <=~, etc. more in line with the behavior of =~ and !=~.

Prior art and References

The compare_key method in Option C is inspired by countvajhula's proposal to use a key method to define equality.

The use of negative/zero/positive numbers for less/equal/greater is inspired by 2 sources:

The operater name =~ is inspired by Pyret's equal-now.

Drawbacks and Unresolved questions

Yet another equality predicate =~? When there are already several of them, adding another might be considered confusing.


Alex Knauth Rocketnia