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Releases: AlexSim93/pull-request-analytics-action

Release v2.2.3

16 Mar 18:54
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Title Correction in Non-Percentile Cases

  • Fixed Titles for Non-Percentile Metrics: Addressed an issue where titles were incorrectly displayed for metrics when the percentile option was not in use. This ensures that all metric titles accurately reflect the data being presented, regardless of the statistical method applied.

Release v2.2.2

16 Mar 18:07
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Bug Fixes in Display Metrics

  • Refined Display for Specific Metrics: Corrected the display for time in draft, time to review request, and review requests conducted metrics. Columns for these metrics will now only appear if there is data available. This update prevents the display of empty columns, streamlining the presentation of the report for a more concise and informative view.

Release v2.2.1

16 Mar 07:27
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Updated Documentation Examples: Revamped the examples in the documentation to reflect the latest capabilities and usage scenarios of pull-request-analytics-action. These updates ensure users have access to the most current and relevant information.

Incorporated New Analytics Metrics: Added REVIEW_TIME_INTERVALS, APPROVAL_TIME_INTERVALS, and MERGE_TIME_INTERVALS to the analytics.

Release v2.2.0

03 Mar 18:06
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New Feature and Configuration Options

  • Pie Chart Distribution for PR Timeline: Introduced pie charts to visualize the distribution of time taken for pull requests from opening to review, approval, and merge. The new inputs REVIEW_TIME_INTERVALS, APPROVAL_TIME_INTERVALS, and MERGE_TIME_INTERVALS allow for customization of the intervals for these distributions, providing a clearer insight into the PR process efficiency.

Release v2.1.0

14 Feb 20:40
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Feature Addition

  • New HOLIDAYS Input for Excluding Holidays: Introduced the HOLIDAYS input to allow for the exclusion of public holidays from the time calculations, similar to how weekends are treated. This enhancement ensures that the time metrics more accurately reflect active working days, improving the precision of the analytics provided.

Release v2.0.1

10 Feb 19:53
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Fixes and improvements

  • Refined Median Value Calculation: Enhanced the calculation of median values to round to the nearest minute.

  • Optional ALLOW_ANALYTICS Parameter: Made the ALLOW_ANALYTICS parameter optional with a default value of true. This change simplifies the setup for new users while still providing the option to opt-out of analytics for those who prefer to do so. By default, the action will contribute to usage analytics, helping to guide future improvements without compromising user privacy.

Release v2.0.0

10 Feb 19:22
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New Metrics and Enhancements

  1. New Metrics - Time in Draft and Time to Review Request: Introduced metrics to measure the duration a pull request spends in draft status and the time taken to request a review. These metrics provide insights into the workflow efficiency and review readiness of pull requests.

  2. Review Requests Conducted Metric: Added a metric to track how often specific developers are requested for reviews. This helps understand the distribution of review requests across the team.

  3. Input Data Transmission to Mixpanel: Implemented the transmission of certain non-sensitive inputs to Mixpanel, ensuring user privacy and data security. This feature aims to better comprehend user needs and allocate development resources more effectively. Event transmission can be disabled by setting ALLOW_ANALYTICS to false.

  4. Improved Percentile and Median Calculation Functions: Enhanced the calculation functions for percentiles and medians to interpolate data when exact values are not available due to insufficient data points. This improvement ensures more accurate statistical analysis.

  5. Conditional Month-by-Month Comparison Comment: Fixed the issue where a comment comparing monthly data was added even if the timeline was not selected in SHOW_STATS_TYPES. In the new version, the comment will not be added if the timeline is not chosen.

  6. Deprecated output Value in EXECUTION_OUTCOME: The value output for EXECUTION_OUTCOME is now considered invalid. Use markdown instead to receive data in markdown format.

Release v1.12.8

05 Feb 07:00
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Bug fix

Corrected Time from Approval to Merge in the Longest-pending merge list: Addressed an issue in the calculation of time from approval to merge for pull requests that were approved but then closed. This fix ensures accurate tracking and representation of the approval-to-merge duration, improving the reliability of the time metrics provided in the reports.

Release v1.12.7

14 Jan 15:04
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  • Github API version: Set Github API version in requests headers to make it more stable

Release v1.12.6

13 Jan 20:50
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Code refactoring: minor improvements in code that doesn't change functionality