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Remote Signing setup via TMKMS for Archway.

Please notice:

This guide about "Soft-Sign" option, which is software signing structure. There is also HSM option available, for hardware signing methods like Ledger etc.. What requires physical access to the server. More information available at official docs HERE

At remote signing host (where we setup tmkms) should be managed high level of security. Like non root access, firewalls etc..

Best option to use VPN tunel for connection between remote signer host and validator node.

How to setup VPN at Ubuntu U can find HERE or any another source like Google or YouTube.

For any feedback or comments, please contact Discord - AlexeyM#5409


Create new user (from root)
adduser tmkms
usermod -aG sudo tmkms
su tmkms
cd $HOME
Install RUST
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
source $HOME/.cargo/env
Install GCC
sudo apt update & sudo apt install build-essential curl jq  --yes
Compile and sort TMKMS binaries
cd $HOME
cargo install tmkms --features=softsign
sudo mv $HOME/.cargo/bin/tmkms /usr/local/bin/
Create and Init TKMS working directory
mkdir -p $HOME/tmkms/archway
tmkms init $HOME/tmkms/archway

Import Private key

Upload your validator (or create and move data) priv_validator_key.json to directory $HOME/priv_validator_key.json*
Then check availablity cat $HOME/priv_validator_key.json
If right output is appeared, follow next step below

tmkms softsign import $HOME/priv_validator_key.json $HOME/tmkms/archway/secrets/archway-consensus.key

Now we can erase copy of original file

shred -uvz $HOME/priv_validator_key.json

Swap tmkms.toml to the one below. The only "addr =" field edit need to be done, replace it with your validator node IP + port(26658 default)

rm -rf ~/tmkms/archway/tmkms.toml
tee ~/tmkms/archway/tmkms.toml << EOF
#Tendermint KMS configuration file
id = "archway-1"
key_format = { type = "bech32", account_key_prefix = "archwaypub", consensus_key_prefix = "archwayvalconspub" }
state_file = "$HOME/tmkms/archway/state/archway-1-priv_validator_state.json"
#Software-based Signer Configuration
chain_ids = ["archway-1"]
key_type = "consensus"
path = "$HOME/tmkms/archway/secrets/archway-consensus.key"
#Validator Configuration
chain_id = "archway-1"
addr = "tcp://" #Set here validator IP and port
secret_key = "$HOME/tmkms/archway/secrets/kms-identity.key"
protocol_version = "v0.34"
reconnect = true

Create service file and run TMKMS

sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/tmkmsd-archway.service << EOF
ExecStart=$(which tmkms) start -c /home/tmkms/tmkms/archway/tmkms.toml
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable tmkmsd-archway.service
sudo systemctl restart tmkmsd-archway.service
sudo systemctl status tmkmsd-archway.service

to check logs

sudo journalctl -u tmkmsd-archway.service -f -o cat

Sample of normal logs at present stage

INFO tmkms::keyring: [keyring:softsign] added consensus Ed25519 key: archwayvalconspub1zcjduepqpg8kmjv...
2022-12-07T09:04:15.959017Z INFO tmkms::connection::tcp: KMS node ID: 8090d2661357dadb5e8888f234ecee41603f1873
2022-12-07T09:04:15.962726Z ERROR tmkms::client: [archway-1@tcp://] I/O error: Connection refused (os error 111)

LAST STEPS. Activate remote signing from Archway node side

Find field priv_validator_laddr = "" at dir $HOME/.archway/config/config.toml and edit to your Validator IP + port
Basically it should be the same as in tmkms.toml file.

Example : priv_validator_laddr = "tcp://"

Restart Archway node and check TMKMS logs

Good logs example :

INFO tmkms::session: [archway-1@tcp://] connected to validator successfully
WARN tmkms::session: [archway-1@tcp://]: unverified validator peer ID! (458562cf0d3e17f0d7755ccafdcd977ca93e0304)
INFO tmkms::session: [archway-1@tcp://] signed PreVote:266AB0AF95 at h/r/s 954948/0/1 (0 ms)
INFO tmkms::session: [archway-1@tcp://] signed PreCommit:266AB0AF95 at h/r/s 954948/0/2 (0 ms)

Backup in safe place priv_validator_key.json and remove it from Validator node.

That pretty much all. Good luck!