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MLO-MAE: Downstream Task Guided Masking Strategy Learning in Masked Autoencoders Using Multi-Level Optimization

MLO-MAE Pre-training and Fine-tuning


This repository contains Python scripts for pretraining and fine-tuning models on CIFAR-10/100 and ImageNet-1K datasets using our proposed MLO-MAE method. It supports Data Distributed Parallel (DDP) for efficient training across multiple GPUs and integrates with WandB for experiment tracking and logging.


Before running the scripts, ensure you have an appropriate Python environment setup. You can create an environment using Conda or pip with the provided environment.yml or requirements.txt files, respectively.

Using Conda:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate mae

Using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

MLO-MAE pretraining

To start retraining your models using the MLO-MAE method, use the following scripts for CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet-1K datasets:

  • For CIFAR-10:
torchrun \
--rdzv-backend=c10d \
--rdzv-endpoint=localhost:23428 \
--rdzv_id 326 \
  • For CIFAR-100:
torchrun \
--rdzv-backend=c10d \
--rdzv-endpoint=localhost:23428 \
--rdzv_id 326 \
  • For ImageNet-1K:
torchrun \
--rdzv-backend=c10d \
--rdzv-endpoint=localhost:23428 \
--rdzv_id 326 \ \
--epochs 50 \
--blr 1.5e-4 \
--batch_size 128 \
--output_dir ./output \
--log_dir ./output \
--model mae_vit_base_patch16 \
--norm_pix_loss \
--mask_ratio 0.75 \
--weight_decay 0.05 \
--unroll_steps_pretrain 2 \
--unroll_steps_finetune 1 \
--unroll_steps_mask 1 \
--base_finetune_lr 5e-4 \
--finetune_batchsize 64 \
--base_masking_lr 5e-5 \
--masking_batchsize 64 \
--world_size 2 \
--data_path ./data

Refer to each script's documentation for a complete list of supported arguments. Note to reproduce the results reported in the paper please use the same experimental settings and hypereparameters as reported in the main paper and appendix. In our experiments, we use 2 A100 GPUs on pretraining MLO-MAE.


After retraining, you can fine-tune the models using the following scripts:

  • For CIFAR-10:
python --arg1 <value1> --arg2 <value2> ... 
  • For CIFAR-100:
python --arg1 <value1> --arg2 <value2> ... 
  • For ImageNet-1K:
python --arg1 <value1> --arg2 <value2> ... 

Data Distributed Parallel (DDP)

The scripts are compatible with DDP for distributed training.

Logging with WandB

To log your experiments with WandB, ensure you have an account and obtain your API key. Use the --wandb_key argument to provide your API key when running the scripts.

Script Arguments Summary

Training Scripts

The training scripts (,, support a variety of arguments for customization, including:

  • --batch_size: Specify the batch size for training.
  • --epochs: Set the number of training epochs.
  • --model: Choose the model architecture.
  • --input_size: Define the input size for the model.
  • --lr: Learning rate for the optimizer.
  • --data_path: Path to the dataset.
  • --output_dir: Directory to save model checkpoints.
  • --log_dir: Directory for logging outputs.
  • --wandb_key: WandB API key for logging.

Additional arguments like --mask_ratio, --weight_decay, and --warmup_epochs allow further customization of the training process.

Fine-tuning Scripts

The fine-tuning scripts (,, include arguments for fine-tuning the pre-trained models, such as:

  • --finetune: Path to the pre-trained model for fine-tuning.
  • Similar to the training scripts, they support arguments for batch size, learning rate, model selection, and data handling.

Both sets of scripts also include advanced options for distributed training, data augmentation techniques, and specific adjustments for the training/fine-tuning process.

For detailed information on all supported arguments, please refer to the individual script files.