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Deploy GCR Cleaner to Cloud Run

This document describes how to deploy GCR Cleaner to Cloud Run Cloud Run and invoke it via Cloud Scheduler. There is also a community-supported Terraform module for gcr-cleaner.

  1. Install the Cloud SDK for your operating system. Alternatively, you can run these commands from Cloud Shell, which has the SDK and other popular tools pre-installed.

  2. Export your project ID as an environment variable. The rest of this setup assumes this environment variable is set.

    export PROJECT_ID="my-project"

    Note this is your project ID, not the project number or name.

  3. Enable the Google APIs - this only needs to be done once per project:

    gcloud services enable --project "${PROJECT_ID}" \ \ \

    This operation can take a few minutes, especially for recently-created projects.

  4. Create a service account which will be assigned to the Cloud Run service:

    gcloud iam service-accounts create "gcr-cleaner" \
      --project "${PROJECT_ID}" \
      --display-name "gcr-cleaner"
  5. Deploy the gcr-cleaner container on Cloud Run running as the service account just created:

    gcloud --quiet run deploy "gcr-cleaner" \
      --async \
      --project ${PROJECT_ID} \
      --platform "managed" \
      --service-account "gcr-cleaner@${PROJECT_ID}" \
      --image "" \
      --region "us-central1" \
      --timeout "60s"
  6. Grant the service account access to delete references. See Permissions for more information.

  7. Create a service account with permission to invoke the Cloud Run service:

    gcloud iam service-accounts create "gcr-cleaner-invoker" \
      --project "${PROJECT_ID}" \
      --display-name "gcr-cleaner-invoker"
    gcloud run services add-iam-policy-binding "gcr-cleaner" \
      --project "${PROJECT_ID}" \
      --platform "managed" \
      --region "us-central1" \
      --member "serviceAccount:gcr-cleaner-invoker@${PROJECT_ID}" \
      --role "roles/run.invoker"
  8. Create a Cloud Scheduler HTTP job to invoke the function every week:

    gcloud app create \
      --project "${PROJECT_ID}" \
      --region "us-central" \
    # Replace this with the full name of the repository for which you
    # want to cleanup old references, for example:
    export REPO="${PROJECT_ID}/my-repo/my-image"
    # Capture the URL of the Cloud Run service:
    export SERVICE_URL=$(gcloud run services describe gcr-cleaner --project "${PROJECT_ID}" --platform "managed" --region "us-central1" --format 'value(status.url)')
    gcloud scheduler jobs create http "gcrclean-myimage" \
      --project ${PROJECT_ID} \
      --description "Cleanup ${REPO}" \
      --uri "${SERVICE_URL}/http" \
      --message-body "{\"repos\":[\"${REPO}\"]}" \
      --oidc-service-account-email "gcr-cleaner-invoker@${PROJECT_ID}" \
      --schedule "0 8 * * 2" \

    You can create specify multiple repositories in the list to clean more than one repository.

  9. (Optional) Run the scheduled job now:

    gcloud scheduler jobs run "gcrclean-myimage" \
      --project "${PROJECT_ID}"

    Note: for initial job deployments, you must wait a few minutes before invoking.