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Docker Commands Sheet

Docker Installation Instructions

1. Install Docker Desktop on Windows/Mac

  • Download Docker Desktop from Docker Hub and follow the installation instructions for your operating system.

2. Install Docker Engine on Other Linux

3. Install docker into ubuntu machine

  • sudo apt-get update : Update the package
  • sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common : Install required packages to allow apt to use a repository over HTTPS
  • curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add - : Add Docker's official GPG key
  • sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" : Set up the stable Docker repository
  • sudo apt-get update : Update the package index again
  • sudo apt-get install docker-ce : Install Docker Community Edition (CE)
  • sudo docker run hello-world : Verify that Docker is installed correctly by running the hello-world container
  • sudo usermod -aG docker $USER : Add your user to the Docker group to run Docker commands without sudo

Note : Logout and log back in or restart your system for the changes to take effect.

Basic Docker Commands

  • sudo docker run <image> : Run a container from an image.
  • sudo docker ps: List running containers.
  • sudo docker ps -a: List all containers (including stopped ones).
  • sudo docker images: List all images on your system.
  • sudo docker pull <image>: Download an image from Docker Hub.
  • sudo docker build <path/to/Dockerfile>: Build an image from a Dockerfile.

Container Management

  • docker start <container>: Start a stopped container.
  • docker stop <container>: Stop a running container.
  • docker restart <container>: Restart a container.
  • docker rm <container>: Remove a container.
  • docker rmi <image>: Remove an image.

Docker Networking

  • docker network ls: List Docker networks.
  • docker network create <network>: Create a Docker network.
  • docker network inspect <network>: Inspect a Docker network.
  • docker network connect <network> <container>: Connect a container to a network.

Docker Volumes

  • docker volume ls: List Docker volumes.
  • docker volume create <volume>: Create a Docker volume.
  • docker volume inspect <volume>: Inspect a Docker volume.
  • docker volume rm <volume>: Remove a Docker volume.

Docker Compose (Advanced)

  • docker-compose up: Start services defined in a Docker Compose file.
  • docker-compose down: Stop and remove containers defined in a Docker Compose file.
  • docker-compose build: Build or rebuild services defined in a Docker Compose file.
  • docker-compose logs: View output from services defined in a Docker Compose file.

Docker Swarm (Advanced)

  • docker swarm init: Initialize a Docker Swarm.
  • docker swarm join: Join a Docker Swarm as a worker or manager node.
  • docker service create: Create a service in a Docker Swarm.
  • docker node ls: List nodes in a Docker Swarm.

Feel free to add or modify commands based on your needs and preferences.