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A few basic examples illustrating the use of models specified using PFA (Portable Format for Analytics). This emerging standard (from the Data Mining Group) is a new model interchange format that is capable of encapsulating entire ML pipelines, including complex pre- and post- processing operations.

The examples in the repo are intended to illustrate how easy it is to create your own PFA scoring solutions using available open source implementations of PFA.

Examples include:

CSV scoring

Simple example for scoring data contained in a CSV file. Command-line arguments provide the location of the PFA document to be used, and the location of the CSV file to the scored, as illustrated below.

 python tests/models/iris_lor_model.pfa tests/data/iris.csv

RESTful scoring

Simple PFA scoring engine exposing a RESTful interface. Models and associated stats are persisted to a DB, such that state is maintained across reboots. Command-line argument specifies the chosen port, as illustrated below.

 python 9092

List deployed models

 curl http://localhost:9092/alpine/deploy

Upload PFA model

 curl --upload-file tests/models/iris_lor_model.pfa http://localhost:9092/alpine/deploy/my_first_model

Download PFA model

 curl http://localhost:9092/alpine/deploy/my_first_model

Score a single sample

 curl --data '{"Sepal_length" : "1.0","Sepal_width" : "1.0", "Petal_length" : "1.0","Petal_width" : "1.0"}' http://localhost:9092/alpine/score/my_first_model

Get model metrics

 curl http://localhost:9092/alpine/metrics/my_first_model

Kafka scoring

Simple PFA scoring engine, consuming from a specified Kafka topic, and publishing results to a specified topic. Command-line arguments specify the IP and port of the Kafka broker, the topic to consume the topic to publish and the PFA document to leverage, as illustrated below.

python tests/models/iris_lor_model.pfa input_topic results_topic

PySpark scoring

Simple PFA scoring engine using PySpark. In this example, a CSV file, located on HDFS, is scored using a PFA document located on the client node, as illustrated below.

spark-submit --master yarn-client --packages com.databricks:spark-csv_2.11:1.5.0 ./ tests/models/iris_lor_model.pfa hdfs:///user/sprack/data/iris.csv 

Test resources

  • iris_lor_model.pfa - A PFA representation of a logisitic regression model trained on the well known Iris data set. This PFA doc can be used on conjunction with the included version of the iris.csv dataset to perform scoring experiments.
  • iris.csv - A copy of the well known Iris data set, with labels removed.
