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This is the Postman collection for running acceptance tests against eBevis Web API.

In order to run this, you will need a (test) Enterprise Certificate and a valid API-key from the eBevis Developer Portal. The certificate along with its private key needs to be in PEM-format.

For more information, see the documentation.

Getting Started

  1. Get and install Postman
  2. Clone this repo to a local directory
  3. Start Postman, and import the collection by clicking the "Import" button in the upper left and selecting collection.json
  4. Import the environments (*_postman_environments.json) by clicking "Manage environments" (the cogwheel in the upper right). You usually only want the "staging"-environment.
  5. Edit the environment and enter your API-key as the value for the variable SubscriptionKey. The SubjectOrgNo variabel needs to be a valid organization number, the other variables can be left as-is.
  6. Set up client certificates
    1. Convert your Enterprise Certificate to a cert/key-pair in PEM-format. See this site for tips on how to do this with OpenSSL.
    2. Click Settings (the wrench icon in the top right)
    3. Select the Certificates tab
    4. Hit Add Certificate
    5. Supply as host, and point CRT/KEY file to the certificate file and private key you made in step 1.
    6. Supply the passphrase (if applicable)
    7. Click Add


eBevis er en tjeneste som lar offentlige innkjøpere få tilgang til oppdaterte kvalifikasjonsbevis for norske leverandører både før og etter kontraktsinngåelse.






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