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File metadata and controls

52 lines (44 loc) · 3.02 KB

Relational Model:

  • Data Model - a language to description data

  • 名詞對照:

    • Relation = Table
    • Attribute / Field = Column
    • Record / Tuple = Row
  • Constraint Type:關聯模型的限制

    1. Domain constraints - for value of each attribute
      • 將 attribute 設定好後,DBMS 會進行檢查,若欄位設定是年齡,則輸入值只能是正整數!(若都設定成 str ,則只檢查長度,反而要另外寫程式進行 input 檢查)
    2. Key constraints - for Primary key
      • All tuples in a relation must be distinct !
    3. Entity integrity constraints 實體完整性限制 - for Primary key
      • No Primary key value can be null !
    4. Referential Integrity constraints 參考完整性限制 - for Primary key and Foreign key
      • If a foreign key (FK) is refers to another relation's primary key (PK), then FK's values MUST EXIST in PK's value or null ! ( 外鍵的值必須存在在主鍵的鍵值中,或是 null 值。)
      • A foreign key can refer to its own relation.
      • Circular referential integrity constraints are allowed. Normalization of relations 資料正規化 Normalization - to process of decomposing(分解) unsatisfactory(令人不滿的)"bad" relation by breaking up their attributes into smaller relations.
  • Summary of five Normal Forms 五種正規化:

    1. 第一正規化 ( 1 NF ):

      • attribute value is "atomic value"
      • 單一欄位內只能有一筆資料
      • 確認資料表中的主鍵
      • 確認表單內所有的欄位,都要與主鍵有關係(具相依性)
    2. 第二正規化 ( 2 NF ):

      • non-key field must totally dependent on primary key        - 消除部分功能相依(Partial Functional Dependency):Non-key 與 Primary-key    3. 第三正規化 ( 3 NF ):
      • It must independent between non-key field ( just dependent on primary key or candidate key )
      • 消除資料表中的遞移相依(Transitive Functional Dependency,Non-key 與 Non-key 之間)
        • 遞移相依是指有些欄位資料,在 Table 中,可以由某個 non-primary key 的欄位決定

          Class ID Class Name Teacher ID Teacher Name
          001 ADB T01 AAA
          002 DataMining T01 AAA
          003 Python T02 BBB
    3. 第四正規化 ( 4 NF ):

      • A record type should not contain two or more independent multi-values facts about an entity.
      • 解決多值相依問題
    4. 第五正規化 ( 5 NF ): *不太懂...

      • 解決合併相依問題 (Join Dependency) - 合併相依是指當關聯表分割成3個或更多關聯表後, 一定能夠透過多次合併運算恢復成原來的關聯表。

描述屬性之間的關係就是「功能相依」,當 A 資料值可唯一決定 B 的資料值時,則 B 功能相依於 A 。( A --> B )