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Deep Learning Specialization Courses 1,

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Course 1 - Neural Networks and Deep Learning

(the content was really similar to Andrew Ng Machine learning course in Coursera, so I didn't write too much about it)

Specialization Syllabus

  • neural network and deep learning (cat recognizer)

  • improving deep neural net

  • structuring you ml project

  • CNN

  • NLP and sequence models

house price prediction (size - # of bedroom - family size - zip code - wealth)

supervised learning application

  • house price prediction
  • online advertisement
  • photo tagging (CNN)
  • speech recognition (RNN)
  • machine translation (RNN)
  • autonomous driving (hybrid)

types of data

  • structured data : table and data

  • unstructured data : images and audio and text (deep learning)

Geoffrey Hinton interview: Boltzmann machines

review chain rule

this the python implementation of a perceptron (without activation)

z = , x) +b

Course 2 - Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyper-parameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization

Week 1

  • train / dev / test

  • number of hidden layers and each unit in them

  • learning rates

  • activation function

  • etc.

Train / dev / test set:

  • small data = 70/30 or 60/20/20

  • Large data (1M) : 98/1/1

dev and training = same distribution. not having a test set might be okay. (train/test is wrong and -> train /dev is correct one. some people use the wrong terms)

Bias / Variance

  • under fit = high bias
  • over fit = high variance

metrics to observe this: compare to human error (or Optimal Bayes error) it is possible to have high bias and high variance at the same time.

Basic recipe for ML


bias / variance trade off (back in the ML era)in deep we don't have this.


L2 regularization in logistic regression = (lambda * || w ||2 2 )/ (2m) = Euclidian distance l1 in logistic regression = ||w|| don't have power 2 in L1

the picture below is the Frobenius norm


L2 = aka Weight decay because we make weights smaller

Why Regularization prevent Overfitting

it uses the linear part of tanh for example so that the model cannot perform all sorts of non linearity

Dropout regularization

inverted drop out make a matrix of 0 / 1 with sparsity of you probability with shape of Activation matrix then multiply it element wise to activation function

keep_prob = 0.8
A3 /= keep_prob

in making prediction in test time, we don't use dropout .

Understanding Dropout

Other regularization

  • data augmentation (flip horizontally - zoom - etc. )
  • Early stopping (makes mid-size ||w||2,f ( it's easy to do, orthogonality problem)

Normalizing inputs (speed up)

2 step :

  1. subtract mean
  2. normalize variance

why normalize? skewed gradients are harder to converge.

Vanish / explode gradients

If our model is too deep and:

W>I (identity matrix) -> exploding gradients

W<I (identity matrix) -> vanishing gradients

Weight initialization for deep

  • partial solution : careful initialization

  • set Variance of w to be sqr(2/n) in ReLu (Xavier initialization)

  • if tanh => sqr (1/n) then this is a good hyper-parameter to tune

Numerical Approximation

g =? [f(x-e) + f(x+e)] / 2e is a good approximation

Gradient checking W dW and the loop on every j(theta) and calculate approx. gradient then calculate Euclidean distance and it should be to the order of your epsilon

Grad check implementation note

don't use in training - only debug remember regularization term. doesn't work with dropout

Weak 2 - improving deep neural net

  • mini batch. cost will be calculated after each mini batch.
  • epoch= every iteration though the dataset
  • use powers of 2 in mini batch size : 512, 256, 128, etc (for memory efficiency)

Exponential weighted averages

$$ V_t = B * V_t-1 + (1 - B) V_t $$

how many data are we examining on each average? $$\frac{1}{1-B}$$ = number of averages

faster and memory efficient need bias correction because V0 is 0 and we use another formula $$\frac {v}{1- b^t}$$

Gradient descent momentum

works with exponential weighted averages to gradient descent.


Root mean squared prop (RMS PROP)



adam = rmsprop + momentum

adaptive moment estimation

learning rate decay

it helps. there a multiple kinds of formulas.

problem of local optima

plateaus = the area when slope is zero for a large area

Week 3

  • Hyper parameter tuning
    • Tuning process
      • alpha, beta (beta 1, beta 2, epsilon), # of layers, # of hidden units, learning rate decay, mini batch size
      • alpha, momentum term, # of layers, learning rate decade. are more important
      • don't try grids! Use random values instead.
      • Coarse to find: find some good samples of Hyper parameter, then zoom in that area and use more hyper parameters.
    • Using an appropriate scale to pick hyper parameters.
      • use random numbers in a specific range. you should do a appropriate scale and well distributed scale to ensure that you have the right numbers.
      • beta: you can't make a good range between (0.9 to 0.999). but you can make a (0.1 to 0.001) and then use 1-beta to make the correct list. (don't use linear scale) distributes more data near 1.
    • Pandas vs Caviar
      • final tips and tricks: tuning is different on different domains.
      • intuitions get stale . re-evaluating occasionally
      • babysitting one model over days, if you don't have computational resources. (panda approach)
      • or you can train many models in parallel (caviar approach) if you have a lot of processing power
  • Batch normalization
    • Normalizing activations in a network
      • normalizing input features are useful. can we norm any hidden layers input? (yes) should we normalize Z or A ? (debatable, we use A in this course)
      • Batch norm will make the activation to have a normal distribution range. We can control mean and width of this normal distribution by Gamma and beta hyper parameters.
      • Image
    • fitting a batch norm into a neural net
      • It was easy. no complications occurred.
    • why it works?: it make you algorithm faster, add a small noise to it, has small regularization effect. with using a batch norm we can generalize better because of the mean and standard deviation of parameters. it computes beta and gamma one mini batch at a time. not on the whole dataset
    • BN at test time
      • bn used on one mini batch at a time, while in test we need to predict one record at a time
      • we don't have mini batches on test time, so we make an estimated average on Mu and Standard dev. and use this for test time.
  • Multi class classification
    • Softmax regression
    • Image
    • softmax gets a vector not a data.
    • it's in contrast with hard max function