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47 lines (41 loc) · 3.09 KB

One Problem Daily

Repository built and maintained to share daily data structure and algorithm status.


Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python - Interactive visualisations for learning how graph traversal algorithms work
Big-O Cheat Sheet - Big-O complexities of common algorithms used in Computer Science
Code-Drills - Practice problems recommender (includes Codeforces, Codechef and Spoj)
Sorting Algorithms - Nice and simple animations of sorting algorithms. With short codes and discussions
Stoimen's web log - Some algorithms nicely explained
Algomation - A didactic, animated, exposition of algorithms
Algorithm Visualizer - Dozens of animated algorithms (with code), and you can also create your own
Algorithms Visualization - A dense article on Algorithms Visualization
Wikipedia - Algorithms - Of course!!
Wikipedia - Data Structures - Why not?!!

Cheat Sheets

The Technical Interview Cheat Sheet
Princeton DS Cheat Sheet
CLRS in short
Rice university DS couse in short
Useful Reddit thread
Algo Deck - An open-source collection of +200 algorithmic cards.

Online Coding Platforms


Guidelines to contribute

1. Cloning git repo ->
2. Check all the branches -> git branch -r  
3. switch to the corresponding week branch -> git switch -c [Week branch] => e.g. git switch -c Week1  
4. Go into the directory - [WeekNumber]   
5. Command to go inside the directory -> cd WeekNumber  
6. Add all the files that you want -> git add file1 file2  [if you want to all the files use * instead of files names]  
7. commit with message-> got commit -m "message"  
8. push to the repo -> git push --set-upstream origin [Week branch] => git push --set-upstream origin Week1  
7. Raise the pull request  

NOTE: *Make sure whatever you do, you do in your own direcotry in respective problem and no other file/directory is deleted or tampered due to your submission.