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Releases: AmmarCodes/obsidian-quran-vault

Group Ayahs in each Surah file

23 Jun 14:23
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Based on the suggestion in #7, the vault has been adjusted to 1 file per Surah, each Surah file will hold all of its Ayahs.

This allows embedding and referencing specific Ayah anywhere.

Add English version

28 Dec 10:07
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Adding the English version of the vault 🎉

Also fixes the tags inside frontmatter (properties) to be better handled inside Obsidian.

Initial release

13 Dec 05:33
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A zip file containing a Quran folder, which contains all Surah per folder, and each Surah folder contains 1 aya per .md file.

For this release, you can download the zip file and extract its content to your vault.