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Releases: OpenNFS/OpenNFS

OpenNFS v0.3

14 Jul 17:04
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OpenNFS v0.3 Pre-release


An extremely old version of OpenNFS (Late 2018), but currently the most stable following a significant parser refactor. It is provided here for convenience (instead of tucked away on Discord). This version supports NFS2/3/3 PS1/4 Asset Load. The README from the release is as follows:

Install Guide:

In the "resources" folder, you will find NFS folders. Please drag the entirety of your Need for speed install to the correct folder. e.g. into NFS_3, the 'gamedata' folder should be present, giving the structure 'resources/NFS_3/gamedata'. For NFS_4, the 'data' folder should be present 'resources/NFS_4/DATA'. For NFS_3_PS1, extract the entire PS1 iso contents into the folder, giving 'resources/NFS_3_PS1/ZDIAB.GEO'. For NFS_2, the GAMEDATA folder needs to be directly present under 'NFS_2'. Delete the folder of any NFS you do not have a copy of, else OpenNFS will complain that the folder is empty. NFS3 is required for any other NFS to load.


  • Fully working NFS3, NFS2, NFS2SE, NFS3 PS1 track load (bugged High Stakes)
  • Explore TR02b! (if you have NFS_3_PS1 folder filled with the ISO contents)
  • Drive the car with WASD, Reset the car with 'R'
  • "Hermite Curve camera" tick box and untick car cam to flythrough track. Unselect both to have a 'free camera', moveable with WASD and viewpoint change by holding right mouse button, move faster by holding "Shift" key.
  • Select car and track from installed Need for Speeds using menu bar (your mileage may vary, major bug related to car load for non high-stakes)
  • Select Car models (Low LOD, Med LOD, Misc parts) in Debug Menu, by expanding "Car Models" dropdown and playing with checkboxes
  • Set Draw Distance by unchecking NBData and adjusting slider (Neighbour data only available for NFS3). High draw distances will drop FPS substantially due to an inefficient rendering method in use.
  • For NFS3 tracks, change between 'Classic Graphics' and a unfinished slightly more dynamic implementation.
  • Go to free camera, and expand the "Engine Entity" dialog box on an NFS3 track, to adjust lighting parameters for lights after targeting them with the cursor and * clicking. This will affect the colour of the track in non classic graphics mode. Adjust Track Specular Damper and Reflectivity similarly from Debug Menu.
  • Similarly, click the car to tweak physics parameters in real time in the "Engine Entity" dialog, and view data from the car.
  • Pan and zoom around the car with mouse wheel and LMB/RMB in "Car Cam" mode (ensure Hermite Curve cam is unchecked)
  • Set Sky Colour
  • View what the Physics Engine sees with "Bullet Debug View" checkbox.

Known Bugs:

  • NFS2 Animated Objects are rotated in incorrect way
  • Both NFS3 and NFS3 animated object speeds are tied to FPS
  • NFS2/NFS3 PS1 track textures are rotated incorrectly in certain places.
  • NFS4 Choppers will crash OpenNFS.
  • NFS2 and NFS3 PS1 cars have messed up textures, and do not drive properly. Also the wrong size.
  • 'Hermite Curve' flythrough flips upside down for NFS2 tracks.
  • Z Fighting for certain polygons.
  • A whole bunch of other stuff, most likely fixed (this is a 2 year old build) and replaced with newer issues in master@HEAD

Bug Reporting:

At this point I'm aware of most big issues, and still so early in development that bug reports aren't too useful. Only bugs related to not being able to even load OpenNFS are valuable to me right now, post a github issue or message me on discord, #open_nfs channel:

OpenNFS v0.2

14 Jul 18:51
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OpenNFS v0.2 Pre-release


An extremely old version of OpenNFS (Mid 2018). This was the first version to operate properly across a range of graphics cards, and marked a broadening of project goals to include all classic NFS games. Buggy OpenGL implementation still present in this version requires a separate EXE to be used dependent upon the number of texture samplers available on your GPU. The README from the release is as follows:

Spec to Choose

  • OpenNFS High Spec - For everyone with a desktop Nvidia/AMD card past 8800GTX, AMD 4870:
  • OpenNFS Med Spec -If High Spec crashes on load, or cars are invisible, but you still rock a decent card. There may be one or two missing textures per track
  • OpenNFS Potato Spec - Intel HD Graphics, expect missing textures, try Medium if possible. This isn't a representative OpenNFS experience.

Install Guide:

In the "resources" folder, you will find NFS folders. Please drag the entirety of your Need for speed install to the correct folder. e.g. into NFS_3, the 'gamedata' folder should be present, giving the structure 'resources/NFS_3/gamedata'. For NFS_4, the 'data' folder should be present 'resources/NFS_4/DATA'. For NFS_3_PS1, extract the entire PS1 iso contents into the folder, giving 'resources/NFS_3_PS1/ZDIAB.GEO'. Delete the folder of any NFS you do not have a copy of, else OpenNFS will complain that the folder is empty.


  • Fully working NFS3, NFS2, NFS2SE, NFS3 PS1 track load (bugged High Stakes)
  • Explore TR02b! (if you have NFS_3_PS1 folder filled with the ISO contents)
  • Drive the car with WASD, Reset the car with 'R'
  • "Hermite Curve camera" tick box and untick car cam to flythrough track. Unselect both to have a 'free camera', moveable with WASD and viewpoint change by holding right mouse button, move faster by holding "Shift" key.
  • Select car and track from installed Need for Speeds using menu bar (your mileage may vary, major bug related to car load for non high-stakes)
  • Select Car models (Low LOD, Med LOD, Misc parts) in Debug Menu, by expanding "Car Models" dropdown and playing with checkboxes
  • Set Draw Distance by unchecking NBData and adjusting slider (Neighbour data only available for NFS3). High draw distances will drop FPS substantially due to an inefficient rendering method in use.
  • For NFS3 tracks, change between 'Classic Graphics' and a unfinished slightly more dynamic implementation.
  • Go to free camera, and expand the "Engine Entity" dialog box on an NFS3 track, to adjust lighting parameters for lights after targeting them with the cursor and * clicking. This will affect the colour of the track in non classic graphics mode. Adjust Track Specular Damper and Reflectivity similarly from Debug Menu.
  • Similarly, click the car to tweak physics parameters in real time in the "Engine Entity" dialog, and view data from the car.
  • Pan and zoom around the car with mouse wheel and LMB/RMB in "Car Cam" mode (ensure Hermite Curve cam is unchecked)
  • Set Sky Colour
  • View what the Physics Engine sees with "Bullet Debug View" checkbox.

Known Bugs:

  • Physics is a mess, but playable.
  • Users with low/medium-end GPU's will have issues running OpenNFS currently. A special version of OpenNFS is provided for these users, expect some graphical artifacts until such time the renderer is rewritten.
  • NFS2 Animated Objects are rotated in incorrect way
  • Both NFS3 and NFS3 animated object speeds are tied to FPS
  • NFS2/NFS3 PS1 track textures are rotated incorrectly in certain places.
  • Spontaneous crash on Track/Car Load.
  • NFS4 Choppers will crash OpenNFS.
  • Certain vehicles will crash OpenNFS on load, send me the car names, and NFS version. This is expected behaviour, the car loaders retrieve meshes successfully, but some cars don't possess all the parts the physics engine needs, or I need to write a ton of special cases for each non-standard specific car model to map the mesh to the 'Car' physics object. To avoid this entirely, use NFS4 cars, or original EA NFS3 cars for now until this code is written.
  • NFS2 and NFS3 PS1 cars have messed up textures, and do not drive properly. Also the wrong size.
  • 'Hermite Curve' flythrough flips upside down for NFS2 tracks.
  • Resetting the Car on certain parts of the track will drop you through the track, requiring a track change or OpenNFS restart. The track block centers provided in the NFS data files in this case, are beneath the track, or in an inaccessible area. Take for example, Aquatica tunnel split area, the center is between two tunnels, and this area is generally inaccessible. This will be resolved by referencing VROAD/Collision data for reset positions.
  • Z Fighting for certain polygons.

Bug Reporting:

At this point I'm aware of most big issues, and still so early in development that bug reports aren't too useful. Only bugs related to not being able to even load OpenNFS are valuable to me right now, post a github issue or message me on discord, #open_nfs channel:

OpenNFS v0.1

14 Jul 18:48
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OpenNFS v0.1 Pre-release


An extremely old (and the first officially released) version of OpenNFS (Mid 2018), provided for history's sake. Happy and buggy days, back when this project was called OpenNFS3 :). This release uses assets bundled in the NFS3 demo, so no copy of your own is necessary. Only a track and vehicle viewer is available, and there are significant stability issues.

This release was only built for Windows.