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Analytics What's included?

Anders Schmidt Hansen edited this page Mar 20, 2015 · 3 revisions

Screenshot showing different analytics at the Admin Analytics page

Sidequest comes with a few baked-in analytics that may come useful for you when you begin to get paying subscribers to your SaaS-startup. The analytics are provided both via and its various Stripe recipes and some few custom ones by yours truly.

Using the provided image, in the order of top-left to bottom-right, the included analytics are:

  1. Amount of New Paying Customers (the last 2 months)
  2. Revenue generated over the last 2 months
  3. Total revenue of today
  4. Total revenue of the past 30 days (not including the current month)
  5. Weekly Revenue Growth (in percentage, calculation is based on the percentage increase or decrease in revenue since last week)
  6. Total amount of Subscribed Customers

Hope you find them useful!