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A simple, fluent, extensible, and fully customizable library for returning exceptions using .NET 6+

dotnet add package Andersoft.Error


This project is based on the awesome project called Throw. Instead of throwing exceptions i wanted to return either an error or the successful result of an operation. If you like this project Give them both a ⭐.

Common Scenarios

Inspect input parameters using fluent syntax to either throw or return any validation errors. The static Guard class provides additional readability when checking parameters but is not needed as you can also chain directly off a previous validation check using .And.

public static Result<Person> CreatePersonResult(string firstname, string lastname, System.DateTime birthday)
  return Guard
    .Match(_ => new Person(firstname, lastname, birthday), error => new Result<Person>(error));
public static Person CreatePerson(string firstname, string lastname, System.DateTime birthday)

    return new Person(firstname, lastname, birthday);

public static Person CreateAnotherPerson(string firstname, string lastname, System.DateTime birthday)

  return new Person(firstname, lastname, birthday);


You can easily extend the library by adding your own rules.

Here is a simple example:

"foo".Error().IfFoo(); // System.ArgumentException: String shouldn't equal 'foo' (Parameter '"foo"')
namespace Andersoft.Guard
  public static class ValidatableStringExtensions
    public static Result<Validatable<string>> IfFoo(this Result<Validatable<string>> result)
      const string foo = "Foo";
      return result.Match(Validate, error => new Result<Validatable<string>>(error));

      Result<Validatable<string>> Validate(Validatable<string> validatable)
        if (validatable.Value == foo)
          return new Result<Validatable<string>>(
            new ArgumentException($"String should not be equal to {foo}.", validatable.ParamName)
        return validatable;

This will behave as following:

string example = "Foo"
// IActionResult will be BadRequest: String should not be equal to Foo.
IActionResult response = example.Error()
                                .Match(success => new Ok(success.Value), 
                                       error => new BadRequest(error.Message)); 

Nullable vs non-nullable types

This library is designed to work best with nullable reference types feature enabled.

The Error() method is the entry method for all non-nullable types:

string name = "hello";

And ErrorIfNull() for any nullable type:

string? name = "hello";

Trying to use Error() on a nullable type will give a warning

string? name = null;
name.Error() // Warning	CS8714	The type 'string?' cannot be used as type parameter 'TValue' in the generic type or method 'ValidatableExtensions.Error<TValue>(TValue, string?)'. Nullability of type argument 'string?' doesn't match 'notnull' constraint.

After validating the nullable type isn't null, all the regular non-nullable rules can be used


The expression can be implicitly cast to the non-nullable type of the original nullable type

string? name = "Jordan";
string nonNullableName = name.ErrorIfNull()


int? a = 5;
int b = a.ErrorIfNull();


Common types


value.Error().IfTrue(); // ArgumentException: Value should not be true (Parameter 'value')
value.Error().IfFalse(); // ArgumentException: Value should be true (Parameter 'value')

// Any method which returns bool can inline it's error logic.
Enum.TryParse("Unexpected value", out EmployeeType value)
    .IfFalse(); // System.ArgumentException: Value should be true. (Parameter 'Enum.TryParse("Unexpected value", out EmployeeType value)')

Nullable value types (bool?, int?, double?, DateTime? etc.)

bool? value = null;

value.ErrorIfNull(); // ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'value')

// After validating `ErrorIfNull`, any of the regular value type extensions can be used.
value.ErrorIfNull() // ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'value')
    .IfTrue(); // ArgumentException: Value should not be true (Parameter 'value')

// The returned value from `ErrorIfNull` can be implicitly cast to the original non-nullable type.
bool nonNullableValue = value.ErrorIfNull(); // ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'value')


name.Error().IfEmpty(); // System.ArgumentException: String should not be empty. (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfWhiteSpace(); // System.ArgumentException: String should not be white space only. (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfLengthEquals(7); // System.ArgumentException: String length should not be equal to 7. (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfLengthNotEquals(10); // System.ArgumentException: String length should be equal to 10. (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfShorterThan(10); // System.ArgumentException: String should not be shorter than 10 characters. (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfLongerThan(3); // System.ArgumentException: String should not be longer than 3 characters. (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfEquals("Jordan"); // System.ArgumentException: String should not be equal to 'Jordan' (comparison type: 'Ordinal'). (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfEquals("Jordan", StringComparison.InvariantCulture); // System.ArgumentException: String should not be equal to 'Jordan' (comparison type: 'InvariantCulture'). (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfEqualsIgnoreCase("Jordan"); // System.ArgumentException: String should not be equal to 'Jordan' (comparison type: 'OrdinalIgnoreCase'). (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfNotEquals("Dan"); // System.ArgumentException: String should be equal to 'Dan' (comparison type: 'Ordinal'). (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfNotEquals("Dan", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); // System.ArgumentException: String should be equal to 'Dan' (comparison type: 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase'). (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfNotEqualsIgnoreCase("Dan"); // System.ArgumentException: String should be equal to 'Dan' (comparison type: 'OrdinalIgnoreCase'). (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfContains("substring"); // System.ArgumentException: String should not contain 'substring' (comparison type: 'Ordinal'). (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfContains("substring", ComparisonType.InvariantCulture); // System.ArgumentException: String should contain 'substring' (comparison type: 'InvariantCulture'). (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfNotContains("substring"); // System.ArgumentException: String should contain 'substring' (comparison type: 'Ordinal'). (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfNotContains("substring", ComparisonType.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); // System.ArgumentException: String should contain 'substring' (comparison type: 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase'). (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfStartsWith("Jer"); // System.ArgumentException: String should not start with 'Jer' (comparison type: 'Ordinal'). (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfStartsWith("JER", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); // System.ArgumentException: String should not start with 'JER' (comparison type: 'OrdinalIgnoreCase'). (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfNotStartsWith("dan"); // System.ArgumentException: String should start with 'dan' (comparison type: 'Ordinal'). (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfNotStartsWith("dan", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); // System.ArgumentException: String should start with 'dan' (comparison type: 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase'). (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfEndsWith("emy"); // System.ArgumentException: String should not end with 'emy' (comparison type: 'Ordinal'). (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfEndsWith("EMY", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); // System.ArgumentException: String should not end with 'EMY' (comparison type: 'OrdinalIgnoreCase'). (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfNotEndsWith("dan"); // System.ArgumentException: String should end with 'dan' (comparison type: 'Ordinal'). (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfNotEndsWith("dan", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); // System.ArgumentException: String should end with 'dan' (comparison type: 'OrdinalIgnoreCase'). (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfMatches("J.*y"); // System.ArgumentException: String should not match RegEx pattern 'J.*y' (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfMatches("[a-z]{0,10}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); // System.ArgumentException: String should not match RegEx pattern '[a-z]{0,10}' (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfNotMatches("^[0-9]+$"); // System.ArgumentException: String should match RegEx pattern '^[0-9]+$' (Parameter 'name')
name.Error().IfNotMatches("abc ", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace); // System.ArgumentException: String should match RegEx pattern '^[0-9]+$' (Parameter 'name')

Collections (IEnumerable, IEnumerable<T>, ICollection, ICollection<T>, IList, etc.)

Important note: if the collection is a non-evaluated expression, the expression will be evaluated.

collection.Error().IfHasNullElements(); // System.ArgumentException: Collection should not have null elements. (Parameter 'collection')
collection.Error().IfEmpty(); // System.ArgumentException: Collection should not be empty. (Parameter 'collection')
collection.Error().IfNotEmpty(); // System.ArgumentException: Collection should be empty. (Parameter 'collection')
collection.Error().IfCountLessThan(5); // System.ArgumentException: Collection count should not be less than 5. (Parameter 'collection')
collection.Error().IfCountGreaterThan(1); // System.ArgumentException: Collection count should not be greater than 1. (Parameter 'collection')
collection.Error().IfCountEquals(0); // System.ArgumentException: Collection count should not be equal to 0. (Parameter 'collection')
collection.Error().IfCountNotEquals(0); // System.ArgumentException: Collection count should be equal to 0. (Parameter 'collection')
collection.Error().IfContains("value"); // System.ArgumentException: Collection should not contain element. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Friends')
collection.Error().IfNotContains("value"); // System.ArgumentException: Collection should contain element. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Friends')


dateTime.Error().IfUtc(); // System.ArgumentException: Value should not be Utc. (Parameter 'dateTime')
dateTime.Error().IfNotUtc(); // System.ArgumentException: Value should be Utc. (Parameter 'dateTime')
dateTime.Error().IfDateTimeKind(DateTimeKind.Unspecified); // System.ArgumentException: Value should not be Unspecified. (Parameter 'dateTime')
dateTime.Error().IfDateTimeKindNot(DateTimeKind.Local); // System.ArgumentException: Value should be Local. (Parameter 'dateTime')
dateTime.Error().IfGreaterThan(DateTime.Now.AddYears(-20)); // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value should not be greater than 2/28/2002 4:41:19 PM. (Parameter 'dateTime')
dateTime.Error().IfLessThan(DateTime.Now.AddYears(20)); // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value should not be less than 2/28/2042 4:41:46 PM. (Parameter 'dateTime')
dateTime.Error().IfEquals(other); // System.ArgumentException: Value should not be equal to 2/28/2022 4:44:39 PM. (Parameter 'dateTime')


employeeType.Error().IfOutOfRange(); // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value should be defined in enum. (Parameter 'employeeType')
employeeType.Error().IfEquals(EmployeeType.FullTime); // System.ArgumentException: Value should not be equal to FullTime. (Parameter 'employeeType')

Equalities (non-nullables)

dateTime.Error().IfDefault(); // System.ArgumentException: Value should not be default. (Parameter 'dateTime')
dateTime.Error().IfNotDefault(); // System.ArgumentException: Value should be default. (Parameter 'dateTime')
number.Error().IfEquals(5); // System.ArgumentException: Value should not be not be equal to 5. (Parameter 'number')
number.Error().IfNotEquals(3); // System.ArgumentException: Value should be equal to 3. (Parameter 'number')


uri.Error().IfHttps(); // System.ArgumentException: Uri scheme should not be https. (Parameter 'uri')
uri.Error().IfNotHttps(); // System.ArgumentException: Uri scheme should be https. (Parameter 'uri')
uri.Error().IfHttp(); // System.ArgumentException: Uri scheme should not be http. (Parameter 'uri')
uri.Error().IfNotHttp(); // System.ArgumentException: Uri scheme should be http. (Parameter 'uri')
uri.Error().IfScheme(Uri.UriSchemeHttp); // System.ArgumentException: Uri scheme should not be http. (Parameter 'uri')
uri.Error().IfSchemeNot(Uri.UriSchemeFtp); // System.ArgumentException: Uri scheme should be ftp. (Parameter 'uri')
uri.Error().IfPort(800); // System.ArgumentException: Uri port should not be 80. (Parameter 'uri')
uri.Error().IfPortNot(8080); // System.ArgumentException: Uri port should be 8080. (Parameter 'uri')
uri.Error().IfAbsolute(); // System.ArgumentException: Uri should be relative. (Parameter 'uri')
uri.Error().IfRelative(); // System.ArgumentException: Uri should be absolute. (Parameter 'uri')
uri.Error().IfNotAbsolute(); // System.ArgumentException: Uri should be absolute. (Parameter 'uri')
uri.Error().IfNotRelative(); // System.ArgumentException: Uri should be relative. (Parameter 'uri')

Comparable (int, double, decimal, long, float, short, DateTime, DateOnly, TimeOnly etc.)

number.Error().IfPositive(); // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value should not be greater than 0. (Parameter 'number')\n Actual value was 5.
number.Error().IfNegative(); // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value should not be less than 0. (Parameter 'number')\n Actual value was -5.
number.Error().IfLessThan(10); // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value should not be less than 10. (Parameter 'number')\n Actual value was 5.
number.Error().IfGreaterThan(3); // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value should not be greater than 3. (Parameter 'number')\n Actual value was 5.
number.Error().IfOutOfRange(0, 5); // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value should be between 0 and 5. (Parameter 'number')\n Actual value was -5.

Nested properties

Boolean properties

person.Error().IfTrue(p => p.IsFunny); // System.ArgumentException: Value should not meet condition (condition: 'person => person.IsFunny'). (Parameter 'person')
person.Error().IfFalse(p => p.IsFunny); // System.ArgumentException: Value should meet condition (condition: 'person => person.IsFunny'). (Parameter 'person')

// We can inline the error logic with the method call.
Person person = GetPerson().Error().IfTrue(person => person.Age < 18); // System.ArgumentException: Value should not meet condition (condition: 'person => person.Age < 18'). (Parameter 'GetPerson()')

String properties

person.Error().IfEmpty(p => p.Name); // System.ArgumentException: String should not be empty. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfWhiteSpace(p => p.Name); // System.ArgumentException: String should not be white space only. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfNullOrWhiteSpace(p => p.Name); // System.ArgumentException: String should not be null or whitespace. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfNullOrEmpty(p => p.Name); // System.ArgumentException: String should not be null or empty. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfLengthEquals(p => p.Name, 7); // System.ArgumentException: String length should not be equal to 7. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfLengthNotEquals(p => p.Name, 10); // System.ArgumentException: String length should be equal to 10. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfShorterThan(p => p.Name, 10); // System.ArgumentException: String should not be shorter than 10 characters. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfLongerThan(p => p.Name, 3); // System.ArgumentException: String should not be longer than 3 characters. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfEquals(p => p.Name, "Jordan"); // System.ArgumentException: String should not be equal to 'Jordan' (comparison type: 'Ordinal'). (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfEquals(p => p.Name, "Jordan", StringComparison.InvariantCulture); // System.ArgumentException: String should not be equal to 'Jordan' (comparison type: 'InvariantCulture'). (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfEqualsIgnoreCase(p => p.Name, "Jordan"); // System.ArgumentException: String should not be equal to 'Jordan' (comparison type: 'OrdinalIgnoreCase'). (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfNotEquals(p => p.Name, "Dan"); // System.ArgumentException: String should be equal to 'Dan' (comparison type: 'Ordinal'). (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfNotEquals(p => p.Name, "Dan", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); // System.ArgumentException: String should be equal to 'Dan' (comparison type: 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase'). (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfNotEqualsIgnoreCase(p => p.Name, "Dan"); // System.ArgumentException: String should be equal to 'Dan' (comparison type: 'OrdinalIgnoreCase'). (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfContains(p => p.Name, "substring"); // System.ArgumentException: String should not contain 'substring' (comparison type: 'Ordinal'). (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfContains(p => p.Name, "substring", ComparisonType.InvariantCulture); // System.ArgumentException: String should contain 'substring' (comparison type: 'InvariantCulture'). (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfNotContains(p => p.Name, "substring"); // System.ArgumentException: String should contain 'substring' (comparison type: 'Ordinal'). (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfNotContains(p => p.Name, "substring", ComparisonType.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); // System.ArgumentException: String should contain 'substring' (comparison type: 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase'). (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfStartsWith(p => p.Name, "Jer"); // System.ArgumentException: String should not start with 'Jer' (comparison type: 'Ordinal'). (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfStartsWith(p => p.Name, "JER", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); // System.ArgumentException: String should not start with 'JER' (comparison type: 'OrdinalIgnoreCase'). (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfNotStartsWith(p => p.Name, "dan"); // System.ArgumentException: String should start with 'dan' (comparison type: 'Ordinal'). (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfNotStartsWith(p => p.Name, "dan", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); // System.ArgumentException: String should start with 'dan' (comparison type: 'InvariantCultureIgnoreCase'). (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfEndsWith(p => p.Name, "emy"); // System.ArgumentException: String should not end with 'emy' (comparison type: 'Ordinal'). (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfEndsWith(p => p.Name, "EMY", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); // System.ArgumentException: String should not end with 'EMY' (comparison type: 'OrdinalIgnoreCase'). (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfNotEndsWith(p => p.Name, "dan"); // System.ArgumentException: String should end with 'dan' (comparison type: 'Ordinal'). (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfNotEndsWith(p => p.Name, "dan", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase); // System.ArgumentException: String should end with 'dan' (comparison type: 'OrdinalIgnoreCase'). (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfMatches(p => p.Name, "J.*y"); // System.ArgumentException: String should not match RegEx pattern 'J.*y' (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfMatches(p => p.Name, "[a-z]{0,10}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); // System.ArgumentException: String should not match RegEx pattern '[a-z]{0,10}' (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfNotMatches(p => p.Name, "^[0-9]+$"); // System.ArgumentException: String should match RegEx pattern '^[0-9]+$' (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')
person.Error().IfNotMatches(p => p.Name, "abc ", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace); // System.ArgumentException: String should match RegEx pattern '^[0-9]+$' (Parameter 'person: p => p.Name')

Collection properties

person.Error().IfHasNullElements(p => p.Friends); // System.ArgumentException: Collection should not have null elements. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Friends')
person.Error().IfEmpty(p => p.Friends); // System.ArgumentException: Collection should not be empty. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Friends')
person.Error().IfNotEmpty(p => p.Friends); // System.ArgumentException: Collection should be empty. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Friends')
person.Error().IfCountLessThan(p => p.Friends, 5); // System.ArgumentException: Collection count should not be less than 5. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Friends')
person.Error().IfCountGreaterThan(p => p.Friends, 1); // System.ArgumentException: Collection count should not be greater than 1. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Friends')
person.Error().IfCountEquals(p => p.Friends, 0); // System.ArgumentException: Collection count should not be equal to 0. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Friends')
person.Error().IfCountNotEquals(p => p.Friends, 0); // System.ArgumentException: Collection count should be equal to 0. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Friends')
person.Error().IfContains(p => p.Friends, "Jordan"); // System.ArgumentException: Collection should not contain element. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Friends')
person.Error().IfNotContains(p => p.Friends, "Jordan"); // System.ArgumentException: Collection should contain element. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Friends')

DateTime properties

person.Error().IfUtc(p => p.DateOfBirth); // System.ArgumentException: Value should not be Utc. (Parameter 'person: p => p.DateOfBirth')
person.Error().IfNotUtc(p => p.DateOfBirth); // System.ArgumentException: Value should be Utc. (Parameter 'person: p => p.DateOfBirth')
person.Error().IfDateTimeKind(p => p.DateOfBirth, DateTimeKind.Unspecified); // System.ArgumentException: Value should not be Unspecified. (Parameter 'person: p => p.DateOfBirth')
person.Error().IfDateTimeKindNot(p => p.DateOfBirth, DateTimeKind.Local); // System.ArgumentException: Value should be Local. (Parameter 'person: p => p.DateOfBirth')
person.Error().IfGreaterThan(p => p.DateOfBirth, DateTime.Now.AddYears(-20)); // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value should not be greater than 2/28/2002 4:41:19 PM. (Parameter 'person: p => p.DateOfBirth')
person.Error().IfLessThan(p => p.DateOfBirth, DateTime.Now.AddYears(20)); // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value should not be less than 2/28/2042 4:41:46 PM. (Parameter 'person: p => p.DateOfBirth')
person.Error().IfEquals(p => p.DateOfBirth, other); // System.ArgumentException: Value should not be equal to 2/28/2022 4:45:12 PM. (Parameter 'person: p => p.DateOfBirth')

Enum properties

person.Error().IfOutOfRange(p => p.EmployeeType); // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value should be defined in enum. (Parameter 'person: p => p.EmployeeType')
person.Error().IfEquals(p => p.EmployeeType, EmployeeType.FullTime); // System.ArgumentException: Value should not be equal to FullTime. (Parameter 'person: p => p.EmployeeType')

property equalities

person.Error().IfDefault(p => p.DateOfBirth); // System.ArgumentException: Value should not be default. (Parameter 'person: p => p.DateOfBirth')
person.Error().IfNotDefault(p => p.DateOfBirth); // System.ArgumentException: Value should be default. (Parameter 'person: p => p.DateOfBirth')
person.Error().IfNull(p => p.MiddleName); // System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'person: p => p.MiddleName')
person.Error().IfNotNull(p => p.MiddleName); // System.ArgumentException: Value should be null. (Parameter 'person: p => p.MiddleName')
person.Error().IfEquals(p => p.Age, 5); // System.ArgumentException: Value should not be not be equal to 5. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Age')
person.Error().IfNotEquals(p => p.Age, 3); // System.ArgumentException: Value should be equal to 3. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Age')

Uri properties

person.Error().IfHttps(p => p.Website); // System.ArgumentException: Uri scheme should not be https. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Website')
person.Error().IfNotHttps(p => p.Website); // System.ArgumentException: Uri scheme should be https. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Website')
person.Error().IfHttp(p => p.Website); // System.ArgumentException: Uri scheme should not be http. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Website')
person.Error().IfNotHttp(p => p.Website); // System.ArgumentException: Uri scheme should be http. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Website')
person.Error().IfScheme(p => p.Website, Uri.UriSchemeHttp); // System.ArgumentException: Uri scheme should not be http. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Website')
person.Error().IfSchemeNot(p => p.Website, Uri.UriSchemeFtp); // System.ArgumentException: Uri scheme should be ftp. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Website')
person.Error().IfPort(p => p.Website, 800); // System.ArgumentException: Uri port should not be 80. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Website')
person.Error().IfPortNot(p => p.Website, 8080); // System.ArgumentException: Uri port should be 8080. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Website')
person.Error().IfAbsolute(p => p.Website); // System.ArgumentException: Uri should be relative. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Website')
person.Error().IfRelative(p => p.Website); // System.ArgumentException: Uri should be absolute. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Website')
person.Error().IfNotAbsolute(p => p.Website); // System.ArgumentException: Uri should be absolute. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Website')
person.Error().IfNotRelative(p => p.Website); // System.ArgumentException: Uri should be relative. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Website')

Comparable properties

person.Error().IfPositive(p => p.Age); // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value should not be greater than 0. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Age')\n Actual value was 5.
person.Error().IfNegative(p => p.Age); // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value should not be less than 0. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Age')\n Actual value was -5.
person.Error().IfLessThan(p => p.Age, 10); // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value should not be less than 10. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Age')\n Actual value was 5.
person.Error().IfGreaterThan(p => p.Age, 3); // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value should not be greater than 3. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Age')\n Actual value was 5.
person.Error().IfOutOfRange(p => p.Age, 0, 5); // System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Value should be between 0 and 5. (Parameter 'person: p => p.Age')\n Actual value was -5.


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