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TaskTime is an application for you to register your execution times for your projects tasks.

This repository must be used with its frontend counterpart, TASKTIME - FRONTEND.

Application Standalone Execution

Local Execution

PostgreSQL dependencies

This repository uses psycopg2 package, thus it is required that PostgreSQL and its dev dependencies are installed.

List of dependencies:

  • libpq-dev

  • Python dependencies

    This repository uses python3.10. It is recommended to use a virtual environment. Having one activated, install the dependencies by running the following command.

    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
    Running a local server

    Make the migrations by running the following command

    python makemigrations
    python migrate

    To start the server, run the following command (having a virtual environment activated)

    python runserver

    Note: by default it is used a local SQLite database. If you wish, you can configure a PostgreSQL database and change the local .env as displayed in docker example (envs/docker/.env)

    Docker Container Execution

    To run this application in a docker container, first build the container images by running the following command

    make build-containers

    Then, to run the containers, run the following command

    make up-containers

    To stop the containers and bring them down, run the command

    make down-containers

    About the Backend

    This backend is built based on Django Rest Framework combined with a few other packages.

    The API documentation can be found by accessing http://<your-ip-address>/docs/, which is built using drf-spectactular. The Django admin panel can be accessed as well in the folloing URL ``http://<your-ip-address/admin/>`.

    Note: your-ip-address can be your localhost (and port, in case the default 80 port couldn't be used) you your Nginx docker container host. To get this container local ip address, run the following command.

    docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' tasktime_nginx