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This repository contains tools, helpers and code snippets commonly used in .Net projects.


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DotNetToolboxe is a comprehensive collections of packages that offers a wide range of functionalities.


Package Stable Version Latest Version Description
DotNetToolbox.Core 8.0.4 8.1.0 A C# library designed to enhance development by providing a variety of utilities and patterns.
It simplifies complex tasks and improves code testability.
DotNetToolbox.ObjectDumper 8.1.0 8.0.4 A C# library with extensions for converting objects into a human-readable string representations.
DotNetToolbox.Console 8.0.4 8.1.0 A C# library with powerful tools to simplify the creation of CLI (Command-Line Interface) and Shell-like console applications.
DotNetToolbox.TestUtilities 8.0.4 8.1.0 A C# library designed with tools to facilites creation of tests.
DotNetToolbox.FluentAsserions 8.0.4 8.1.0 An extension of FluentAssertions that provides specialized assertion capabilities for logging components..


Contributions are welcome and greatly appreciated! If you're looking to contribute to DotNetToolbox, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository: Create your own copy of the repository by forking it. You can do this by clicking the "Fork" button on the top right corner of the repository page on GitHub.

  2. Create a branch: Once you have forked the repository, create a branch for your changes. It's best practice to name your branch something descriptive of the changes you're making.

  3. Make your changes: Implement the new feature, fix a bug, or make the improvements you want to contribute. Be sure to adhere to the existing code style and follow best practices.

  4. Write tests: If you're adding new functionality or fixing a bug, write tests to cover the new code. The project uses XUnit, ensure your tests are passing.

  5. Update the README: If your changes warrant it, add an example to the README to demonstrate the new functionality or describe the bug fix.

  6. Submit a pull request: Push your changes to your fork and submit a pull request to the original DotNetToolbox repository. Provide a clear description of the changes you've made.

  7. Code review: Wait for the maintainers to review your pull request. Be open to making changes based on their feedback.

  8. Merge: Once your pull request has been reviewed and approved, a maintainer will merge it into the main codebase.

For any questions or discussions, feel free to open an issue in the repository.

Thank you for contributing to DotNetToolbox!


DotNetToolbox is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

The MIT License is a permissive license that is short and to the point. It lets people do anything they want with your code as long as they provide attribution back to you and don’t hold you liable.


This repository contains tools, helpers and code snippets commonly used in .Net projects.



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