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Favascript is a small, statically typed language that compiles down to Javascript. Notably, Favascript borrows simple syntax and type inference from Python, curly braces from Javascript and simplified matching from OCaml. Favascript's goal is to enable the programmer to sketch out ideas quickly. Explicit type declaration will be left later for programs like Java or C. Favascript is a testbed for ideas. For example, the language is designed with a minimalistic approach to reduce the amount of time programmers have to spend typing a worrying about types and language-specific syntax. Similarly, Favascript incorporates simple matching and the for-in loop to produce an easier coding experience.

Favascript's most notable features include type inference, first class functions and higher-order functions. Types are never declared in Favascript - the language is not only able to infer types, but able to catch errors when implied types may be incompatible with the code. The language is also able to automatically convert between integers and floats if the given operation allows it. Constants are inferred through their all-capital identifiers.

Taking inspiration from Python and OCaml, first class functions and higher-order functions enable Favascript to be highly expressive. Functions may be passed as arguments and used as parameters. Optional function parameters also make Favascript's functions more useful.


  • .fav File Extension
  • Curly Braces
  • Simple Matching
  • Object-oriented
  • First Class Functions
  • Higher Order Functions
  • Type Inference
  • Static Typing
  • Strong Typing
  • Optional Parameters


  • Additive: +, -
  • Multiplicative: *, /, //
  • Exponentiation: ^
  • Relational: <, >, >=, <=, ==, !=
  • Boolean: &&, ||

Data Types

  • Int: 4, 8, 666
  • Float: 4.0, 3.1415926, 0.7734
  • Boolean: true, false
  • String: “fava”, “Don’t throw favas in the lavas”, “The fava said, \“I am delicious.\””
  • List: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], ["I", "like", "fava", "beans"]
  • Tuple: (30, 0.5, “fava”)
  • Dictionary: {key:“value”, bestColor:“fava”, worstLanguage: “php”}
  • Comments: # Single line comment

Example Programs

Favascript on the left, Javascript on the right

Variable Declarations

name = "fav"                               let name = “fav”
age = 21                                   var age = 21
female = true                              let female = true

Constant Declarations

PI = 3.14159265359                         const PI = 3.14159265359


x = ((2 + 3) * (6 - 1) ^ 2) / 4            x = ((2 + 3) * Math.pow((6 - 1), 2)) / 4

While Statements

while true {                               while (true) {
   ret true                                   return true
}                                          }

Conditional Statements

x == 2 ? x -= 1 : x += 1                   (x == 2) ? x -= 1 : x += 1

Match Statements

match fruit with                           
    | pear   -> puke.exe()                 if (fruit == pear) { puke.exe(); }
    | apple  -> puke.exe()                 else if (fruit == apple) { puke.exe(); }
    | banana -> puke.exe()                 else if (fruit == banana) { puke.exe(); }
    | fava  -> observe("delicious")        else if (fruit == fava) {
                observe("nutritious")          observe("delicious");
    | _      -> puke.exe()                     observe("nutritious");
                                           } else { puke.exe(); }


multiply (x, y) {                           var multiply = (x, y) => {
   ret x * y                                   return x * y;
}                                           }
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]                let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
add_even_numbers() {                        add_even_numbers = () => {
    result = 0                                  var result = 0;
    for num in numbers {                            for (var i in numbers) {
        if num % 2 == 0 {                               if (numbers[i] % 2 === 0) {
            result += i                                     result += i;
        }                                               }
    }                                               }
    ret result                                   return result;
}                                            }

Higher-Order Functions

doTwice (f, x) {                            var doTwice = (f, x) => {
   ret f(f(x))                                  return f(f(x));
}                                           }

Class Declarations

class Ball {                                 class Ball {
    Ball (radius, weight = 1.0) {                constructor(radius, weight) {
    	this.radius = radius                         this.radius = radius;
	       this.weight = weight                  this.weight = weight;
    }                                        }
    is_round() {                                 var is_round = () => {
    	ret true                                     return true
    }                                            }
}                                            }

bouncyBall = Ball(0.2)                       let bouncyBall = new Ball(0.2, 1.0);
bouncyBall.is_round()                        bouncyBall.is_round();

Semantic Errors

The following is a list of semantic errors and example output.

  • changedImmutableType : tried to change x from type INTEGER to STRING
  • isNotAFunction : f is not a function
  • isNotAList : l is not a list
  • isNotADictionary : d is not a dictionary
  • invalidBinaryOperands : LIST and INTEGER cannot be used with +
  • invalidUnaryOperand : STRING cannot be used with !
  • parameterArgumentMismatch : f has signature INT, LIST, FLOAT but was called with signature STRING, LIST, FLOAT
  • expressionIsNotTypeBoolean : x + 3 is type INTEGER but must be type BOOLEAN
  • unusedLocalVariable : local variable x is declared but never used
  • useBeforeDeclaration : tried to use x before it was declared
  • returnOutsideFunction : found a return statement outside of a function
  • multipleReturnsInABlock : found more than one return statement in a block
  • cantResolveTypes : cannot cast a STRING to a FLOAT
  • invalidAccessType : cannot use OBJECT to access LIST. Expected INTEGER
  • noClassConstructor : did not find a constructor in class C

Full Grammar (Ohm Syntax)

Favascript {
    Program     = Block
    Block       = Statement+
    Statement   = Exp "?" Block ":" Block                               -- conditional
                | id "(" (Param ("," Param)*)? ")"
                  "{" Block "}"                                        -- funcDecl
                | "class" classId "{" Block "}"                        -- classDecl
                | MatchExp                                             -- match
                | "if" Exp "{" Block "}"
                  ("elif" Exp "{" Block "}" )*
                  ("else" "{" Block "}")?                              -- ifElse
                | "while" Exp "{" Block "}"                            -- while
                | "for" id "in" IdExp "{" Block "}"                    -- forIn
                | "print" "(" Exp ")"                                  -- print
                | IdExp assignOp (Exp | MatchExp)                      -- assign
                | IdExp                                                -- identifier
                | "ret" Exp                                            -- return
    Param       = id ("=" Var)?
    MatchExp    = ("match" IdExp "with" "|"? Var Match
                  ("|" Var Match)* ("|" "_" Match)?)
    Match       = "->" (Block | Var)

    Exp         = Exp orOp BoolAndExp                                  -- reg
                | BoolAndExp                                           -- pass
    BoolAndExp  = BoolAndExp andOp RelExp                              -- reg
                | RelExp                                               -- pass
    RelExp      = AddExp relOp AddExp                                  -- reg
                | AddExp                                               -- pass
    AddExp      = AddExp addOp MulExp                                  -- reg
                | MulExp                                               -- pass
    MulExp      = MulExp mulOp ExponExp                                -- reg
                | ExponExp                                             -- pass
    ExponExp    = PrefixExp exponOp AddExp                             -- reg
                | PrefixExp                                            -- pass
    PrefixExp   = prefixOp ParenExp                                    -- reg
                | ParenExp                                             -- pass
    ParenExp    = "(" Exp ")"                                          -- reg
                | Var                                                  -- pass
    Var         = (boolLit | IdExp | List | Tuple | Dictionary
                | intLit | floatLit | stringLit | nullLit)

    IdExp       = IdExpBody idPostOp?
    IdExpBody   = IdExpBody (periodId | Arguments | IdSelector)        -- recursive
                | (id | "this")                                        -- base
    periodId    = "." id
    Arguments   = "(" VarList ")"
    IdSelector  = "[" Var "]"
    idPostOp    = "++" | "--"

    List        = "[" VarList "]"
    Tuple       = "(" VarList ")"
    Dictionary  = "{" (IdValuePair ("," IdValuePair)*)? "}"
    IdValuePair = id ":" Var
    VarList     = (Var ("," Var)*)?

    orOp        = "||"
    andOp       = "&&"
    exponOp     = "^"
    assignOp    = "=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/="
    addOp       = "+" | "-"
    mulOp       = "*" | "//" | "/" | "%"
    relOp       = "<=" | "<" | "==" | "!=" | ">=" | ">"
    prefixOp    = "--" | "-" | "!" | "++"

    boolLit     = "true" | "false"
    intLit      = ~floatLit digit+
    floatLit    = digit+ "." digit+
    stringLit   = "\"" ("\\\"" | (~"\"" any))* "\""
    nullLit     = "null"

    keyword     = ("class" | "true" | "false" | "match" | "with" | "if"
                | "else" | "while" | "for" | "in" | "this" | "print" | "ret" | "null") ~idrest
    id          = ~keyword letter idrest*                               -- variable
                | constId                                               -- constant
    idrest      = "_" | alnum
    constId     = ~keyword upper ("_" | upper)*
    classId     = upper idrest*

    space      += comment
    comment     = "#" (~"\n" any)* "\n"


A small language with type inference, first class functions and higher-order functions.






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