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Task 3 Write-up

See my_list-forming.c for the implementation.

  • void * producer_thread_a( void * arg) implements our thread producer. First a local list local is created and K nodes are appended. Next the critical region is locked (using trylock) and that list is inserted into the global list List.
  • long run_assignment(int NUM_PROCS, int num_threads) is a slightly modified version of main, and called from main. This method returns the runtime of of the program using producer_thread_a.
  • list-forming.c was modified so that K can be passed as a command line argument, this simplified running multiple experiments. main was modified to print num_threads, NUM_PROCS, K, and generic_runtime the runtime of the unmodified producer_thread().

(Diagram inbound)

Implementation Discussion

  1. The generic implementation requires the critical region to be locked everytime a node is created. For 20 threads creating 200 nodes the critical region is locked num_thread * K times. In our implementation, producer_thread_a(), we create local, a list of K nodes, and then insert that into the global List; this requires locking the critical region num_thread times.
  2. We implemented solutions with pthread_mutex_lock and pthread_mutex_trylock. _lock is a blocking call and thus no other threads were able to access the critical region; whereas _trylock is a non-blocking call. _trylock performed significantly better. See task3/my_list-forming.c lines 307 through 349 for that code.
  3. Allowing threads to run on all CPUs should speed up performance since threads not waiting on specific CPUs the amount of time they spent waiting was reduced. In reality we found that performance was decreased. This must be due to the cost of switching the process running the thread from one CPU to another.

Additional Files

  • produces semi-colon separated data for the program run with K=200...6400 and num_threads=2...256. Use ./ >> data.txt to capture that output in a file.
  • reads data.txt, parses file into lines of numeric data, and uses matplotlib to graph the data with K on the y-axis and num_threads on the x-axis. modified and generic bars represent the implementation, and each is topped with the runtime.
  • Makefile is pretty generic, and just a neater implementation of the given gcc command.