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File metadata and controls

495 lines (409 loc) · 12.3 KB


import { NgxsDataPluginModule } from '@angular-ru/ngxs';
import { NGXS_DATA_STORAGE_PLUGIN } from '@angular-ru/ngxs/storage';

    // ..
    imports: [NgxsModule.forRoot([TodoState]), NgxsDataPluginModule.forRoot([NGXS_DATA_STORAGE_PLUGIN])]
export class AppModule {}
    name: 'todo',
    defaults: []
export class TodoState extends NgxsDataRepository<string[]> {
    // ..

@Persistence() - If you add a current decorator without options, then the todo state will synchronize with LocalStorage by default.


@Persistence(options?: PersistenceProvider[] | PersistenceProvider)

  • existingEngine (required|optional, DataStorage|Storage) - Specify an object that conforms to the Storage interface to use, this will default to localStorage.

  • useClass (required|optional, Type<T>) - If no existingEngine is specified, you can provide by class token your storage container.

  • path (optional, string) - Path for slice data from NGXS store, this will default path to current state in store.

  • version (optional, number) - You can migrate data from one version to another during the startup of the store, this will default first version.

  • ttl (optional, number) - You can determine the lifetime of a given key (default: -1, disable).

  • ttlDelay (optional, number) - The time, in milliseconds (thousandths of a second), the timer should delay in between checking for expiration time live (default: 60000ms / 1min).

  • ttlExpiredStrategy (optional, TTL_EXPIRED_STRATEGY) - You can determine what to do with the key if it expires (default: TTL_EXPIRED_STRATEGY.REMOVE_KEY_AFTER_EXPIRED).

  • fireInit (optional, boolean) - Disable initial synchronized with the storage after occurred rehydrate from storage (by always default will be synchronized).

  • nullable (optional, boolean) - If the state is undefined or null in the storage by key, then it will overwrite the default state when initial prepared.

  • rehydrate (optional, boolean) - Pull initial state from storage on a startup (true by default).

  • migrate (optional, defaults: T, storage: R) => T) - Function that accepts a state and expects the new state in return.

  • skipMigrate (optional, boolean) - Skip key migration (default: false).

  • decode (optional, STORAGE_DECODE_TYPE) - You can also decode or encode your data in base64 (default: none).

Fire init

If you don't want your value that was received from the storage to be synchronized again with the storage, you can disable this step. You will see that lastChanged is not updated again and again when the page reloads.

    fireInit: false,
    existingEngine: localStorage
    name: 'todo',
    defaults: []
export class TodoState extends NgxsDataRepository<string[]> {
    // ..

Time to live (TTL)

interface AuthJwtModel {
    accessToken: string | null;
    refreshToken: string | null;

    path: 'auth.accessToken',
    existingEngine: localStorage,
    ttl: 1000 * 60 * 15 // 15min
    name: 'auth',
    defaults: {
        accessToken: null,
        refreshToken: null
export class AuthJwtState extends NgxsDataRepository<AuthJwtModel> implements NgxsDataAfterExpired {
    public expired$: Subject<NgxsDataExpiredEvent> = new Subject();

    constructor(private readonly snackBar: MatSnackBar, private readonly auth: AuthService) {

    public ngxsDataAfterExpired(event: NgxsDataExpiredEvent, _provider: PersistenceProvider): void {
        this.auth.refreshAccessToken();'Expired', event.key, {
            duration: 5000,
            verticalPosition: 'top',
            horizontalPosition: 'right'

Migration strategy

// mock for example
        lastChanged: '2020-01-01T12:10:00.000Z',
        version: 1,
        data: {
            cachedIds: [1, 2, 3],
            myValues: ['123', '5125', '255']

// state with migration strategy
    version: 2,
    existingEngine: localStorage
    name: 'migrate',
    defaults: {
        ids: [5, 7],
        values: ['63']
class MigrateV1toV2State extends NgxsDataRepository<NewModel> implements NgxsDataMigrateStorage {
    public ngxsDataStorageMigrate(defaults: NewModel, storage: OldModel): NewModel {
        return {
            ids: [...defaults.ids,],
            values: [...defaults.values,]


// { ids: [ 5, 7, 1, 2, 3 ], values: [ '63', '123', '5125', '255' ] }

Multiples providers

However, a situation may arise when you need to migrate different data sources. Suppose you had different models for a nested state:

        lastChanged: '2020-01-01T12:10:00.000Z',
        version: 1,
        data: { phoneValue: '8911-111-1111' }

        lastChanged: '2020-01-01T12:10:00.000Z',
        version: 1,
        data: { size: 10, number: 2 }

And the new model now looks like this:

export interface MyFilter {
    phone: string | null;
    cardNumber: string | null;

export interface MyOptions {
    pageSize: number | null;
    pageNumber: number | null;

export interface NewModel {
    myFilter: MyFilter;
    options: MyOptions;

In this case, you can define a handler for each:

        version: 2,
        path: 'deepFilter.myFilter',
        existingEngine: sessionStorage,
        migrate: (defaults: MyFilter, storage: { phoneValue: string }): MyFilter => ({
            phone: storage.phoneValue
        version: 2,
        path: 'deepFilter.options',
        existingEngine: localStorage,
        migrate: (defaults: MyOptions, storage: { size: number; number: number }): MyOptions => ({
            pageSize: storage.size,
            pageNumber: storage.number
    name: 'deepFilter',
    defaults: {
        myFilter: {
            phone: null,
            cardNumber: null
        options: {
            pageNumber: null,
            pageSize: null
class DeepFilterState extends NgxsDataRepository<NewModel> {}

// state.getState()

    myFilter: { phone: '8911-111-1111', cardNumber: null },
    options: { pageNumber: 2, pageSize: 10 }


Also, if you want skipping migration for another provider, you can set skipMigrate to true.

Storage events

The storage event of the Window interface fires when a storage area (localStorage or sessionStorage) has been modified in the context of another document.

    name: 'count',
    defaults: 0
class CountState extends NgxsDataRepository<number> implements NgxsDataAfterStorageEvent {
    public ngxsDataAfterStorageEvent(event: NgxsDataStorageEvent) {
        // my logic
// emulate storage event

    JSON.stringify({ lastChanged: '2020-01-01T12:10:00.000Z', version: 1, data: 15 })

    new StorageEvent('storage', {
        key: ''

When an event occurs, you will receive a new state, also, if you implemented a ngxsDataAfterStorageEvent method, it will be called.


    existingEngine: localStorage,
    name: 'todo',
    defaults: []
export class TodoState extends NgxsDataRepository<string[]> {}

Override global prefix key

By default, key search uses the prefix, but you can override the prefix:

import { NGXS_DATA_STORAGE_PREFIX_TOKEN, NGXS_DATA_STORAGE_PLUGIN } from '@angular-ru/ngxs/storage';

    imports: [NgxsModule.forRoot([AppState]), NgxsDataPluginModule.forRoot(NGXS_DATA_STORAGE_PLUGIN)],
    providers: [{ provide: NGXS_DATA_STORAGE_PREFIX_TOKEN, useValue: '' }]
export class AppModule {}

Use base64 for decode/encode data in storage by default everything

import { STORAGE_DECODE_TYPE } from '@angular-ru/ngxs/typings';
import { NGXS_DATA_STORAGE_DECODE_TYPE_TOKEN, NGXS_DATA_STORAGE_PLUGIN } from '@angular-ru/ngxs/storage';

    imports: [NgxsModule.forRoot([AppState]), NgxsDataPluginModule.forRoot(NGXS_DATA_STORAGE_PLUGIN)],
export class AppModule {}

Nested states

In more complex cases, when you need to use other storage, or you want to save part of the state, you can use the complex options:

export interface ParentCountModel {
    val: number;
    deepCount?: CountModel;

export interface CountModel {
    val: number;

    path: 'count.deepCount.val', // path to slice
    existingEngine: sessionStorage, // storage instance
    prefixKey: '', // custom prefix
    ttl: 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000 // 24 hour for time to live
    name: 'deepCount',
    defaults: { val: 100 }
export class DeepCountState {}

    name: 'count',
    defaults: { val: 0 },
    children: [DeepCountState]
export class CountState extends NgxsDataRepository<CountModel> {}

Global custom storage

import { DataStorage } from '@angular-ru/ngxs/typings';

class MyGlobalStorage implements DataStorage {
    // ..

    existingEngine: new MyGlobalStorage()
    name: 'count',
    defaults: { val: 100 }
class MyState {}

Injectable Storage

    useClass: SecureStorageService
    name: 'secureState',
    defaults: {
        login: null,
        credential: null,
        password: null
export class SecureState extends NgxsDataRepository<SecureModel> {}
import { DataStorage } from '@angular-ru/ngxs/typings';

@Injectable({ provideIn: 'root' })
export class SecureStorageService implements DataStorage {
    constructor(@Inject(SECURE_SALT) public salt: string, private secureMd5: SecureMd5Service) {}

    public getItem(key: string): string | null {
        const value: string = sessionStorage.getItem(key) || null;
        if (value) {
            return this.secureMd5.decode(this.salt, value);
        return null;

    public setItem(key: string, value: string): void {
        const secureData: string = this.secureMd5.encode(this.salt, value);
        sessionStorage.setItem(key, secureData);

    // ...

Not recommended

        path: 'customerFilter.cardNumber',
        existingEngine: sessionStorage
        path: 'customerFilter.sibelId',
        existingEngine: sessionStorage
        path: 'customerFilter',
        // conflict with child properties -> cardNumber and sibelId fields can't sync from sessionStorage
        // because override every time from localStorage data
        existingEngine: localStorage
    name: 'customerFilter',
    defaults: {
        cardNumber: null,
        sibelId: null
export class CustomerFilterState extends NgxsDataRepository<CustomerFilterModel> {}