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File metadata and controls

164 lines (127 loc) · 5.32 KB


AnKit is an UIKit wrapper library written in pure Swift


Base example

import AnKit
import UIKit

final class SimpleVC: UIViewController {
	private lazy var collectionView = CollectionView()

	override func viewDidLoad() {

private extension SimpleVC {
	func setupUI() {
		view.backgroundColor = .systemBackground

		collectionView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false

			collectionView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.leadingAnchor),
			collectionView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.topAnchor),
			collectionView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.trailingAnchor),
			collectionView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.bottomAnchor)

	func makeItem(text: String) throws -> CollectionViewItem {
		try PlainLabelItem(
			text: text,
			textColor: .label,
			textFont: .preferredFont(forTextStyle: .title1),
			tintColor: .systemIndigo,
			textAlignment: .center,
			textInsets: NSDirectionalEdgeInsets(
				horizontalInset: .defaultHorizontalOffset,
				verticalInset: 8
			dividerModel: .lineDefaultOffsetFromStart(color: .systemRed)

	func fillCollectionView() {
		do {
			let section = try PlainListSection(
				items: [
					try makeItem(text: "Text 1"),
					try makeItem(text: "Text 2"),
					try makeItem(text: "Text 3"),
					try makeItem(text: "Text 4"),
					try makeItem(text: "Text 5")

			try collectionView.set(
				sections: [section],
				animatingDifferences: false
		} catch {

More examples

There is more examples in Playground folder, just go and see it


  • UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource wrappers for easy use ViewModel-View pattern in Swift way
  • UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout wrappers for easy use UICollectionView in all your screens
  • Ready plain sections, spacer, shimmer & label items
  • UICollectionViewDataSourcePrefetching support
  • Additional UIKit wrappers for constraints, blurred views, layer shadows and others

Create custom sections

You can create custom sections and do any layout what you want. Just create new class, inherit it from CollectionViewSection and override layoutConfiguration method to implement. For example, see PlainListSection in Sources folder.

Create custom items for cells

You can create custom items and do any cells, which inherits from CollectionViewCell. Just create new class, inherit it from CollectionViewItem and override cellType property to implement. For example, see PlainLabelItem in Sources folder.

Create custom items for supplementary views

You can create custom items and do any supplementary views, which inherits from CollectionViewSupplementaryView. Just create new class, inherit it from CollectionViewSupplementaryItem and override supplementaryViewType property to implement. For example, see PlainLabelBoundarySupplemetaryItem in Sources folder.

Create custom background items for section

You can create custom background items for each section in your collection view. Just create new class, inherit it from CollectionViewDecorationItem and override decorationViewType property to implement. For example, see SecondarySystemGroupedBackgroundDecorationItem in Sources folder.

Create custom transaction to collection view's snapshot data

You can provide custom transaction to collection view's snapshot data. Just call apply(snapshotTransaction:animatingDifferences:) method and pass to snapshotTransaction parameter any array of CollectionView.SnapshotAction.

Convenient BaseVC

Also, there is BaseVC for convenient methods, which you could need in your UIViewControllers. Just inherit BaseVC in your view controller. For example, see ShuffleItemsVC and SectionBackgroundVC in Playground folder.

Other examples

See more screen examples in Playground folder.


iOS 13.0+



By binary

  • Download AnKit project
  • Open .xcodeproj file, choose Create-XCFramework-scripts target and press build target (by default key bindings click command + B)
  • After success build it will open folder with built .xcframework binary file
  • Open your .xcodeproj file
  • Go to Project Navigator (by default key bindings click command + 1)
  • Click on your project
  • Go to Your target -> General tab
  • Drag that .xcframework binary file in Framework, Libraries section
  • Build your project (by default key bindings click command + B)
  • Write import AnKit in your Swift file
  • Enjoy

After once you added link to .xcframework in Framework,Libraries section, you can delete previous version and just copy .xcframework binary file into same place in your project, where previous .xcframework binary lay, clean DerivedData folder and build your project. New changes will work automatically.

By sources

  • Just copy & link sources into your project (for better use, in standalone folder)


AnKit is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


Andrey Popov (Anvipo)

My e-mail:

My Telegram: @Anvipo (