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353 lines (232 loc) · 11.7 KB

File metadata and controls

353 lines (232 loc) · 11.7 KB

Release Notes



  • Picker
    • Index out of range when switch album.



  • Picker
    • Fixed an issue that preferredOutputPath dose not work.(#187)
    • Fixed an issue that memory leak when scrolling the picker.(#188)


New Features

  • Editor
    • Added a new configuration clipRange to set the range for video clipping.


  • General
    • Fixed some warnings and typos.
  • Picker
    • Fixed an issue that callbacks were occasionally not triggered.(#182)
  • Editor
    • Fixed an issue that images with orientation information in their EXIF data were not correctly handled.
    • Fixed a crash that could occur when dragging the progress bar during video editing.


New Features

  • Picker
    • Keep selected resources when switching albums.
    • Split the preview function into "Album Preview" and "Selected Resource Preview".(#167)
    • Added a new configuration clearSelectionAfterSwitchingAlbum to keep OR delete selected resources when switching albums.


  • Picker
    • Crash that UI API not call on main thread.



  • Picker
    • Crash that UI API not call on main thread.



  • Support back to iOS 12 (May drop iOS 12 in next version). (#153)


  • Fix few issue on iPad. (#158)

  • Fix HUD and Toast sometimes could not disappear correctly. (#161)

  • Picker

    • When user deletes photos in system Photos app and back to AnyImagePicker, it may crash. (#157)
  • Editor

    • Upside down rotation dose not work. (#156)
  • Capture

    • Capturing with Matal may crash. (#160)



  • Set SPM target platforms v13.


New Features

  • Use Xcode 13.4.1/Xcode 14.0 beta2.
  • Set framework minimum deployment target to 13.0.


  • Picker
    • Fix the issue that sort by adding time instead of creation time.



  • Picker
    • Fix can not add more photos when limit permission mode.(#144)



  • Picker

    • Fix the issue that disable rule is not checked when selecting photos after taking photos.
    • Fix asset collection view will be offset when contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior is modified globally.
  • Editor

    • Fix the issue that image will be wrong after crop when tool option only has crop option.(#133)



  • Picker
    • Fix when using Xcode 13.2+, main thread will be stuck for 15 seconds when requesting to register photo library observer before authorization.(#130)
    • Fix shared albums cannot be select in picker, add a new option .shared for PickerAlbumOption.(#129) (#131)



  • Picker
    • Crash after take photo in iOS 14 or later.


New Features

  • Editor
    • Added rotationDirection enumeration. Can rotate the image when cropping. (#100)
    • Added textFont UIFont value. Can customize font of input text.
    • Added isTextSelected boolean value. Set default style of input text.
    • Added calculateTextLastLineMask boolean value. Calculate the width of the last line of the input text to show mask layer.
    • Added input text border.
    • Added the shadow of input text.


  • All modules
    • Theme can customize color, icon, text, label and button. (#104)
    • Data track added more events, supported page and events can be find HERE.
  • Picker
    • AssetDisableCheckRule support more complex scene. (#96)
  • Editor
    • Improved the response area of input text.


  • Picker
    • Try to fix that quick click on done button will trigger the delegate several times. (#110)
    • Fixed GIF/Live Photo will show edit button.
    • Before iOS 14, Picker used the wrong index when selecting asset after take photos in desc sort mode.
  • Editor
    • Crush when cropping video. (#111)
    • In the specified crop option, the crop rect may not move.
    • The UITextView may scroll when enter input text.


  • Added API Tests to compare API between different versions.



  • Fix Xcode 12 can not build.


New Features

  • Use Xcode 13.0 and Kingfisher 7.0.0
  • Set framework minimum deployment target to 12.0


New Features

  • Added Portuguese(Brazil) (pt-BR) internationalization support.(#106)



  • Fix Xcode 13 beta can not build bug.



  • AnyImageKit now support resource_bundles for CocoaPods.(#79)
  • Added Turkish (tr) internationalization support.(#70)

New Features

  • Editor
    • The output workflow has been refactored so that editing now does not reduce the resolution of the original image.(#67)


  • Core
    • Fixed the issue that AnyImageError.invalidExportPreset is thrown when setting HEVC/H.265 output with devices below A10 chip, and the unsupported devices will be downgraded to AVC/H.264 solution automatically.(#75)
    • Fixed the issue that the status bar is not hidden correctly on iPhone8/8 Plus and older device.(#78)
  • Capture
    • Fixed the issue that Metal resource files were not copied when using CocoaPods as a static library dependency.(#81)


New Features

  • Picker
    • Added the selectionTapAction enumeration. The action after tapping the asset on selection view depends on this enumeration. (#59)
    • Added the saveEditedAsset boolean value. Determines whether the Picker save edited assets.


  • Picker
    • Fixed the issue that Picker would crash by array index out of range when orderByDate = DESC. (#65)
    • Fixed the issue that the Preview button cannot be used sometimes.


  • Picker remove quickPick boolean value, please use selectionTapAction enumeration instead.



  • AnyImageKit now support Mac Catalyst again.

New Features

  • Picker
    • Add a new protocol AssetDisableCheckRule to allow custom asset disable check rules. AnyImageKit contains a buildin implement VideoDurationDisableCheckRule to support video duration check.
  • Editor
    • Auto set .modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen in ImageEditorController's init function.
  • Capture
    • Auto set .modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen in ImageCaptureController's init function.


  • Picker
    • Fixed a memory leak when use NSDiffableDataSourceSnapshot in iOS 14 and later.
    • Fixed the progress display when selected multiple assets which need download from iCloud.
    • The maximum zoom scale of the photo during preview is changed from fixed value to calculation based on image size.
  • Editor
    • The maximum zoom scale of the photo during editor is changed from fixed value to calculation based on image size.



  • AnyImageKit is now adapt for the latest iPhone 12/12 Pro series devices.

New Features

  • Core
    • Added ImageKitDataTrackDelegate for track page/event, supported page and events can be find HERE.
  • Picker
    • Picker now observe photo library changes on all supported iOS versions and loads library changes automatically.
    • Added preselection mode, set PickerOptionsInfo.preselectAssets: [String] to enable preselection.


  • Picker
    • Unify the color of the toolbar and navigation bar on selection.
    • Fixed an issue that picker reload photo library multiple times.
    • Fixed an issue that lose progress when fetch video from iCloud in iOS 14.
    • Now open the album will locate the current album.
  • Editor
    • Fixed an issue that the crop box going black in iOS 11.
    • When entering text in the editor, return key now shows as done instead of return.
  • Capture
    • Fixed an issue that the focus frame going black in iOS 11.

Incompatible changes

  • Picker/Editor/Capture now has an empty initialization method required init() and has changed the old method from required init(options: ...) to convenience init(options: ...) , to make it easier to subclass related items.
  • The delegate access control of Picker/Editor/Capture changes to open instead of open private(set) and can be changed after initialization.
  • The update(options: ...) method has been added in Picker/Editor/Capture, which should call before present.



  • AnyImageKit build with Xcode 12 instead of Xcode 11.
  • AnyImageKit use Swift Package Manager as dependency instead of Cocoapods.
  • AnyImageKit support Swift Package Manager.

New Features

  • Picker
    • Adapt iOS 14 “Limited Photos Library” mode.
  • Editor
    • Pen colors support UIColorWell in iOS 14.


We have modified the callback methods of the three modules to prepare for the stability of ABI in the future.


/// Original callback method
func imagePicker(_ picker: ImagePickerController, didFinishPicking assets: [Asset], useOriginalImage: Bool)
/// New callback method
/// PickerResult contains assets and useOriginalImage property
func imagePicker(_ picker: ImagePickerController, didFinishPicking result: PickerResult)


/// Original callback method
func imageEditor(_ editor: ImageEditorController, didFinishEditing mediaURL: URL, type: MediaType, isEdited: Bool)
/// New callback method
/// EditorResult contains mediaURL, type and isEdited property
func imageEditor(_ editor: ImageEditorController, didFinishEditing result: EditorResult)


/// Original callback method
func imageCapture(_ capture: ImageCaptureController, didFinishCapturing mediaURL: URL, type: MediaType)
/// New callback method
/// CaptureResult contains mediaURL and type property
func imageCapture(_ capture: ImageCaptureController, didFinishCapturing result: CaptureResult)


  • Editor
    • For support UIColorWell feature, the penColors property has been changed from [UIColor] to [EditorPenColorOption].


  • Picker
    • Fixed a bug that not clearing selected assets when switching albums.
    • Fixed a bug that the status of the toolbar at the bottom not update when switching albums.
    • Fixed a bug that the "camera item" appears repeatedly when switching albums.
  • Editor
    • Fixed an issue that the global breakpoint will be triggered at the first startup.
    • Fixed a bug that incomplete color display when input text.

Known Issues

  • Remove from support as Xcode 12.0 can't support Mac Catalyst 14.0 features.