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Using gRPC


gRPC (gRPC Remote Procedure Calls) is an open-source framework developed by Google. It is designed to be efficient, scalable, and interoperable across different programming languages. gRPC is used in distributed systems, microservices architectures, and client-server applications to enable efficient communication between components. Detailed gRPC documentation is available here.

AnyLog as a gRPC client

AnyLog can connect as a gRPC client to a gRPC Server to receive the data streams.
Using AnyLog policies, these streams are mapped to a target schema, and the data is hosted on the local AnyLog node.


Users define the data extracted from the gRPC server using a proto file.
A Protocol Buffers (proto file) is a language-agnostic data serialization format developed by Google.
This file is compiled to generate 2 grpc files that manage the process between the client and the server.


  1. Install grpcio-tools
python3 -m pip install --upgrade grpcio-tools
  1. Create the protocol buffer file
    Example file: dummy.proto:

    syntax = "proto3";
    package mygrpc;
    service SerializeService {
      rpc GetSampleData (Empty) returns (SampleDataResponse);
    message Empty {}
    message SampleDataResponse {
      repeated string serialized_data = 1;
  2. Compile file

    python3 -m grpc_tools.protoc -I. --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. dummy.proto


    • Compile in the proto file (target) directory.
    • The following files are gennerated in the target directory (if dummy.proto is compiled) :
      • dummy_pb2_grpc,py

Initiating a gRPC client

The following command initiate a gRPC client on the AnyLog node:

run grpc client where name = [unique name] and ip = [IP] and port = [port] and policy = [policy id] and grpc_dir = [dir path] and proto = [proto name] 
    and function = [proto function] and request = [request message] and response = [response message] and service = [service name]
    and value = (key1 = value1 and key2 = value2 ...) and debug = [true/false] and limit = [max events] and dbms = [dbms name] and table = [table name]
    and ingest = [true /false]

Command variables:

Key Mandatory Value
name Y A unique name to identify the gRPC process. The name serves as the ID of the connection.
ip Y The gRPC server IP.
Port Y The gRPC server port.
policy N The ID of the mapping policy to apply on the gRPC stream
grpc_dir Y The target directory with the proto filr.
proto Y The proto file name (dummy in the example above).
function Y The proto function that is called on the server (SampleDataResponse in the proto file example above).
request Y The .proto request message.
response Y The .proto response message.
service Y The name of the service of method definition in the .proto file.
value N One or more attribute name value pairs that update the attributes of the message send (ie.: Filter = system and Type =
debug N The value 'true' prints on the node CLI console the data received and processed. The default value is 'false'
limit N Process ends after data events received from the gRPC servers reached the limit.
dbms N A target database name (if not provided by a policy).
table N A target table name (if not provided by a policy).
ingest N The value 'false' ignores data ingestion. The default value is 'true'
add_info N Updates the data retrieved from the server with additional info. For example, added_info = conn, includes the connection info.

Examples (the < and > signs designate a code block that can be used on the CLI):

<run grpc client where name = kubearmor and ip = and port = 50051 and grpc_dir = D:/AnyLog-Code/AnyLog-Network/dummy_source_code/kubearmor/proto 
    and proto = kubearmor and function = WatchLogs and request = RequestMessage and response = Log 
    and service = LogService and value = (Filter = policy) and debug = true and limit = 2 and ingest = false>
<run grpc client where name = kubearmor and ip = and port = 50051 and grpc_dir = D:/AnyLog-Code/AnyLog-Network/dummy_source_code/kubearmor/proto 
    and proto = kubearmor and function = HealthCheck and request = NonceMessage and response = ReplyMessage and service = LogService 
    and value = (nonce = and debug = true and limit = 1 and ingest = false>

Options for added_info

If added_info is included in the run grpc client command, the keys and values are added to the JSON data retrieved from the server.
The added keys (to the JSON struct) are contained within greater than and less than signs ().

Key Value added to the JSON
proto The name of the proto file
request The name of the request message in the proto file
conn The IP and Port used


<run grpc client where name=kubearmor and ip = and port = 32769 and grpc_dir = D:/AnyLog-Code/AnyLog-Network/dummy_source_code/kubearmor/proto 
and proto = kubearmor and function = WatchLogs and policy = kubearmor-system-policy and request = RequestMessage and response = Log 
and service = LogService and value = (Filter = all) and debug = false  and limit = 10000 and ingest = false  
and add_info = conn and add_info = proto and add_info = request>

Retrieving the list of gRPC clients

The following command returns the list of connected gRPC clients on the AnyLog node:

get grpc clients 

The info returns identifies each client by the connection info (IP and Port) and the proto file name (ID). An example of the returned info is below:

ID        Connection       Proto     Request Message Policy Type Policy Name Policy ID               Timeouts Data Msg
health   ||kubearmor|NonceMessage   |           |           |                       |       0|    1254|
kubearmor||kubearmor|RequestMessage |mapping    |           |kubearmor-system-policy|       0|       0|

Terminate gRPC connection

A connection is terminated using the following command:

exit grpc [ID]

ID is the name provided to the connection in the run grpc client command.
For example, the following command terminates a gRPC process:

exit grpc kubearmor

To terminate all gRPC connections, use "all" as the connection string:

exit grpc all

Retrieving the list of gRPC services

Users can retrieve the list of services offered by the gRPC server.
This process requires that the server reflection on the gRPC server is implemented and enabled.
Server Reflection (ServerReflectionRequest ) allows clients to query information about services provided by a gRPC server dynamically.

The following command returns the list of gRPC services from the gRPC server:

get grpc services where conn = [ip:port]

Example returned info:

gRPC Services
test.MyService                          |