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Modules & Features

Aperture Development edited this page Aug 28, 2020 · 1 revision

Server Groups

Server groups allow you to group your servers in sub teams. Modules will just sync things that are explicity told to sync it across all servers, otherwise it will just sync it with servers that have the same server group.


MySQL Rank Synchronisation

MRSync allows you to synchronise your staff team across your servers without the need to add/remove a staff member on every server. Just add a user to a rank and he will also have the rank on all other servers. For now it is important that the ranks you synchronise also exist on all servers.

You want some ranks to not be synced? There is a rank blacklist for ranks that dont get saved to the database. Just add the rank and you are good to go.

You want some ranks to be synced across all servers and some just for ( as example ) your DarkRP servers? The server_group option allows you to do just that. Just sub-categorise your servers and your ranks now just get synced within this group. You can exclude ranks from that rule and force them to synchronise across all servers using the allserver table, all ranks in that table get saved as ranks for the whole network.


MySQL Ban Synchronisation

MBSync allos you to synchronise your bans across all servers ( network bans ). This Module is also server_group bound, means when you ban a user on a server in the group darkrp they dont get banned on servers with a different group.


!mban - Opens ban GUI

!mban [Name] [Length] [global] [Reason] - bans a player

!mbanid [SteamID/SteamID64] [Length] [global] [Reason] - bans a players steamid

!munban [SteamID/SteamID64] - unbans a player

!mbsync - Opens Ban list

!mcheck [SteamID/SteamID64] - Checks if the given steamid if it is banned

!medit [BanID] [Length] [Global] [Reason] - Edits a ban

Console Commands

msync.mbsync.banPlayer [Name] [Length] [global] [Reason] - bans a player

msync.mbsync.bansteamid [SteamID/SteamID64] [Length] [global] [Reason] - bans a players steamid

msync.mbsync.unbanid [SteamID/SteamID64] - unbans a player

msync.mbsync.checkBan [SteamID/SteamID64] - Checks if the given steamid if it is banned

msync.mbsync.editBan [BanID] [Length] [Global] [Reason] - Edits a ban

Planned Features

  • UTime synchronisation - Codename: MUSync
  • MySQL Warning system - Codename: MWS
  • Permission synchronisation - Codename: MPSync
  • MSync synchronisation - Codename: MSSync