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The Free Corrade AI How To

To start you will need a Linux host with docker installed.

When setting up the AI you will need docker set up in swarm mode. This can be done with the command

docker swarm init

We will be setting up 3 services. (corrade/mtqq/corrade-ai) you will need a location with a config for the mqtt server as well as a data directory and a folder location for the brain used by the corrade-ai.

The easiest way to do this is to do the following commands on linux

mkdir /opt/corrade
mkdir /opt/corrade/brain
mkdir /opt/corrade/mqtt-data

cd into the /opt/corrade then you will need a configured corrade container.

Follow Steps 1-7 at

I have included a mosquitto.conf in the /docs or you can view it at

you can put this in /opt/corrade as well

Now you can create your docker-compose.yml by copying the below into it.

version: "3"
    image: aphris/corrade-continuous:latest
     - "80:54377"
     - /opt/corrade/Configuration.xml:/corrade/Configuration.xml
     - /opt/corrade/Nucleus.config:/corrade/Nucleus.config
    image: eclipse-mosquitto
      - /opt/corrade/mosquitto.conf:/mosquitto/config/mosquitto.conf
      - /opt/corrade/mqtt-data:/mosquitto/data
    image: aphris/corrade-free-ai:latest
      MQTT_SERVER: mqtt
      - /opt/corrade/brain:/usr/src/app/brain
        - mqtt

After saving that file, you can bring up the stack of services with the following command

docker stack deploy corrade --compose-file=docker-compose.yml

The AI will check the /brain directory and if it is empty it will deploy the base set of rivescript files. You will want to add a personality from this repo or build a custom personality. When you are ready to load the personality you will need to restart the ai service. To do that you will need to do the following

start by listing the containers currently running

docker container ls

This will list all the running containers as well as there "CONTAINER ID" Find aphris/corrade-free-ai in the list and copy the "CONTAINER ID"

To restart the service and make it reload the scripts. you will do the following command replacing With the ID you copied.

docker container stop <CONTAINER ID>

Decause we are running in a stack, docker will see the container stop and start a new copy for you.

To see a realtime output of the stacks CPU/MEM/ and NET usage you can use the command

docker container stats

To stop your stack you can use the command

docker stack rm corrade