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File metadata and controls

204 lines (132 loc) · 9.28 KB


If you want to help with the development of AppDaemon all assistance is gratefully received! Here are a few things you can do to help.

Installing a beta version

For the adventurous among you, it is possible to run a pre-release version to get a preview of changes before they are released as part of a stable build. Please be aware: use it at your own risk. Although we try to keep things consistent and functional, we can't guarantee that things won't break. However, feedback from brave souls running this pre-release version is always gratefully received!

Also, note, that to run a development version you should be using the Pip install method. Docker builds are created for dev too, but there is no support.

There are 2 different ways of installing via Pip. If we are running a beta, we will have a number of specific milestone builds. The beta version will not install by default using the standard pip command but can be installed if its exact version is specified to pip`:

$ pip install appdaemon==<beta version>

Setting up a development environment

If you want to run the latest code available in the dev branch, or if you want to run a local version of the application separate from your existing installation, take the following steps:

Clone the repository

Download a copy of the dev branch. Run the following command to clone the dev branch of the official AppDaemon repository:

$ git clone -b dev

This will create a directory called appdaemon: this is your local Git repository, and all subsequent commands will need to be run from inside it.


Firstly, it is recommended to create a Python virtual environment (VE) and enable it. The best practice here is to use a VE specifically for the development version. In some cases, it is possible that the dev branch may have updated dependencies that will be incompatible with the latest stable release, and may break it.

Make sure you are in the appdaemon project directory, then run the following commands:

  1. Install the project dependencies, along with the development dependencies
$ pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
  1. Setup pre-commit hooks. This will make sure that modified files are linted and formatted before every commit.
$ pre-commit install

Running the application

Now that you have a local copy of the source code, the next step is to run AppDaemon.

Copy the default configuration file (edit it if you need to tweak some settings):

$ cp conf/appdaemon.yaml.example conf/appdaemon.yaml

Start the application:

$ python -m appdaemon -c conf/

In most cases, it is possible to share configuration directories with other AppDaemon instances. However, you must be aware of AppDaemon apps that use new features as they will likely cause errors for the other pre-existing version. It is recommended to use an entirely separate configuration directory for your development environment.

Getting the latest changes

When there are updates on the dev branch and you want to pull over the latest changes, run the following command from the appdaemon directory:

$ git pull

You can then immediately run the latest version with the commands previously detailed.

Building a distribution package

To build a Python distribution package (wheel), run the following command:

$ python -m build

It will output the result of the build inside a dist/ folder.

The package can be installed directly via pip:

$ pip install dist/appdaemon*.whl

Project structure

The Python project follows the conventional PEP 621, using a pyproject.toml to define its metadata. The repository is divided into various folder:


source code of the Python package


source code from which this documentation is built


unit tests written with pytest


configuration directory, containing some sample files

Dependencies management

This project is published as a Python package, and following the PEP 631 convention the dependencies are declared as part of the pyproject.toml file. However since this project is run as an application, as a recommended practice in Python development, its should clearly specify the version of dependencies the application has been built and tested with, to ensure a consistent deployment environment across multiple systems.

For this reason, the requirements.txt files are used to pin all the dependencies (both direct and indirect ones) that the application needs, specifying their exact version. There are multiple files, each specifying a subset of dependencies (as defined under the [project.optional-dependencies] key in pyproject.toml)


The runtime dependencies needed at runtime for AppDaemon


The dependencies needed for a local development environment


The dependencies needed to build the documentation with Sphinx

These files are auto-generated using pip-compile, provided by the pip-tools package. It uses the pyproject.toml as the source from which to read the project dependencies. The generated files should not be manually changed. Each file has the pip-compile command used to generated them as a reference.

The runtime requirements.txt file is fundamental for efficiently building the Docker images: thanks to the Docker build cache, the dependencies are only installed the first time in the build process, and are re-used from the Docker cache in subsequent builds. This improves dramatically the build times, especially when there is the need to compile native dependencies. See Docker build for more information.

Docker build

To locally build the container, it is required to have installed at least Docker Engine 23.0, since it enables Docker BuildKit by default, with all its useful features used in this build process.

  • First it is necessary to build the AppDaemon Python package in the project directory (it will then be used as part of the Docker build stage).
$ python -m build
  • Then invoke the usual the docker build command:
$ docker build -t appdaemon .

The Docker build makes use of the multi-stage build capabilities of Docker. This is necessary since the arm/v6 and arm/v7 architectures do not provide Python wheels for this architectures of the orjson and uvloop packages, required by this project.

For this reason the build is divided in multiple stages: a builder stage and a runtime stage:

  • The builder stage is used to install compile-time dependencies such as gcc and rust (to compile C extensions of Python dependencies), in addition to all the dependencies defined in the requirements.txt.

    By copying only the requirements.txt, only the dependencies of AppDameon are installed, so if there is no change in them between two subsequent Docker builds, Docker caches this layer and skip this step.

  • The runtime stage copies the built Python packages from the previous stage and install the AppDaemon package in the container, along with its startup scripts and files.

Pull Requests

If you would like to improve AppDaemon, we are pleased to receive Pull Requests in the official AppDaemon repository.

Please note, if some documentation is required to make sense of the PR, the PR will not be accepted without it.

Working on the documentation

Assistance with the docs is always welcome, whether its fixing typos and incorrect information or reorganizing and adding to the docs to make them more helpful. To work on the docs, submit a pull request with the changes, and I will review and merge them in the usual way. I use Read the Docs to build and host the documentation pages. You can easily preview your edits locally, by running the following command:

If not already done, install the development dependencies locally. The following command downloads and install the optional dependencies, as defined in the pyproject.toml file:

$ pip install -r doc-requirements.txt

From the project's root directory, run the following command:

$ sphinx-autobuild --host= docs/ docs/_build/html

Sphinx will take a minute or so to build the current version of the docs, and it will then be available on local port 8000 (e.g., http://localhost:8000). As you make changes, sphinx will automatically detects them and updates the browser page in real-time. When you finish your edit, you can stop the server via Ctrl-C.