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Playtest 3

Jared E edited this page Mar 20, 2023 · 8 revisions

Going into playtest 3, I was confident in the revisions I made to my map in terms of the actual structure. This was also the first playtest where non-greybox textures were used and lighting was added - I was curious to see what my testers had thought of the textures I had chosen, I was very hopefully that the map's theme would come across in the textures.


After the playtest, it seemed like my testers understood the maps overall theme behind it. While successful in this right, I also received the feedback that I had used too many different textures, giving players a hard time discerning what was happening.

One tester said that "the textures make it look cluttered even thought the areas are somewhat big".

Going into the next iteration, this is my primary focus to fix. I aim to do this by reducing the diversity of the textures I have and reusing them more often. Additionally, players were still getting caught on a handful of corners - the lighting was also far too universal, while it is a spaceship, the lack of diverse lighting is off-putting.

One thing I've encountered during each of my playtests is the heavy variation of responses to some questions. This was something I hadn't expected, and has made the revision process somewhat frustrating. Without clear responses leaning towards one way or the other, I am without a clear direction of what should/needs to be changed. While at the end of the day the changes are made at my discretion, this factor is annoying nonetheless. Here are a few examples throughout my playtests of across the board responses.

Playtest 1


Playtest 2


Playtest 3
