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68 lines (43 loc) · 1.92 KB

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68 lines (43 loc) · 1.92 KB


Concept Title Image Bounce Demo Video

A paddle and ball game in the vein on Atari's Pong. Two dogs are trying to hit the ball back and forth without the ball going past them. If the ball does go past them, that is a point for the other dog. The dog with the highest score when the player(s) stop, wins.

This game is designed to be able to play with two players. One player uses the Up and Down buttons, while the other Player uses the A and B buttons. This game is made to run on the Arduboy.

The max score value is 255, if a player plays long enough to reach the max value, then score resets to 0, and player adds new score to 255 to determine final score.

Developed by: Zachariah Falgout

Title Screen and Concept Art by: LENZ

LENZ's work can be found at:

LENZ's Deviant Art

LENZ's Art Amino

Paddles by: Zachariah Falgout

Runs using Arduboy Library V1.1


Menu Controls

Left/Right button moves menu select left/right

A button selects option

Game Controls

Up/Down button moves left paddle up/down

B/A moves button right paddle up/down

Left/Right button pause/unpause the game

Left and Right buttons pressed at same time returns to main menu

Left and B buttons pressed at same time resets game to start, where scores are 0

Option Controls

Left/Right button moves option select left/right

Up/Down button moves option select up/down

A button selects option

B button returns to menu screen

Left and Right buttons pressed at same time returns to main menu

Credits Control

B button returns to menu screen

Left and Right buttons pressed at same time returns to main menu

##Download Rename file from Bounce-master to Bounce then upload to Arduboy