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RELEASE 2.0.0 Changes:

based on libqartesky version 1.0.0 and Qt 5.15 (MS Windows 7, 10 only)
added supported languages: French, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese in MS Windows XP
removed auto serial port close in case of connection error
bug fix in fast lamp switch on/off (latency)
change license from LGPL/EULA to LGPL
user manual for MS Windows updated
supported operating system doc updated

RELEASE 1.2.0 Changes:

based on libartesky version 1.1.1
added supported languages: French, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese
user manual for MS Windows / GNU Linux updated
added supported OS: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS on ARM64, Raspbian 10
supported operating systems doc added

RELEASE 1.1.0 Changes:

based on libartesky version 1.1.1
added multi-language support
supported languages: English, Italian
user manual for MS Windows updated
user manual for Linux added

RELEASE 1.0.0 Changes:

based on libartesky version 1.1.0
first official release
cross platform project modification in order to support GNU Linux (Ubuntu)
develop of a version of ARTESKY Flat GUI for MS Windows XP only based on Qt 5.5.0 (32 bit)
develop of MS Windows XP installer NSIS script
develop of GNU Linux portable package

BETA RELEASE 0.3.0 Changes:

lamp switch button increased in dimensions
fine regulation of light intensity through main and settings sliders
style sheet modified for a good fit with Windows 10 and Windows 7 OS
libartesky v.0.5.0 linked with firmware version 0.1
driver for ARTESKY USB Flat Box added
installer version 0.3.1 for Windows 7 64-bit OS (Flat Box driver auto-installed) and Windows 10 64-bit OS updated
first public beta release v.0.3.0 (for Windows)

BETA RELEASE 0.2.0 Changes:

Serial port auto-search fixed (vendor as search item)
msvcp140.dll and vcruntime140.dll libraries added to the NSIS installer for OS with C++ run-time not installed.

BETA RELEASE 0.1.0 Changes:

First release of the ARTESKY Flat Box GUI
Application tested under MS Windows 10, 64-bit in debug/release mode
Based on libartesky v.0.4.0 and Qt v.5.11.2 libraries
Microsoft Windows 64 bit releases compiled with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017
GUI developed used Qt Creator 4.7.2
NSIS installer for 64-bit system
Application documentation in English and Italian


Artesky Flat Box | Graphical User Interface




