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260 lines (253 loc) · 9.25 KB

Map class


getMap() Gets a new map class instance.


setDiv() Changes the map div.
getDiv() Returns the map div.
setMapTypeId() Changes the map type id.
animateCamera() Moves the camera with animation.
animateCameraZoomIn() Zooming in the camera with animation.
animateCameraZoomOut() Zooming out the camera with animation.
moveCamera() Moves the camera without animation.
moveCameraZoomIn() Zooming in the camera without animation.
moveCameraZoomOut() Zooming out the camera without animation.
getCameraPosition() Get the current camera position, including the target, zoom, tilt and bearing.
getCameraTarget() Get the current camera target position.
getCameraZoom() Get the current camera zoom level.
getCameraBearing() Get the current camera bearing.
getCameraTilt() Get the current camera tilt (view angle).
setCameraTarget() Set the center position of the camera view.
setCameraZoom() Set zoom level of the camera.
setCameraTilt() Set the camera view angle.
setCameraBearing() Set the camera bearing.
panBy() Change the center of the map by the given distance in pixels.
getVisibleRegion() Get the current visible region (sw and ne).
getMyLocation() Get the current device location.
setClickable() Set false to ignore all clicks on the map.
remove() Destroy a map completely.
clear() Remove all overlays, such as marker.
fromLatLngToPoint() Convert the unit from LatLng to the pixels from the left/top of the map div.
fromPointToLatLng() Convert the unit from the pixels from the left/top to the LatLng.
setMyLocationEnabled() Set true if you want to show the MyLocation button.
getFocusedBuilding() Get the currently focused building.
setIndoorEnabled() Set true if you want to show the indoor map.
setTrafficEnabled() Set true if you want to show the traffic layer.
setCompassEnabled() Set true if you want to show the compass button.
setAllGesturesEnabled() Sets the preference for whether all gestures should be enabled or disabled.
setVisible() Set visiblity of the map.
setPadding() Adjust the map padding.
setOptions() Adjust the map padding.
toDataURL() Generate the map screen capture image as base64 encoded data, like HTML5's Canvas.
map.addMarker() Add a marker.
map.addPolyline() Add a polyline.
map.addPolygon() Add a polygon.
map.addCircle() Add a circle.
map.addGroundOverlay() Add a ground overlay.
map.addTileLayer() Add tile layer.
map.addKmlOverlay() Not ready yet currently


MAP_CLICK This event is fired when you click on the map.
MAP_LONG_CLICK This event is fired when you press your finger a few seconds on the map.
MY_LOCATION_BUTTON_CLICK This event is fired when you tap on the location button.
This events are fired when the camera moves.
MAP_READY This event is fired when the map is created using the map.getMap() method.
MAP_LOADED This event is fired when the map tiles are loaded.

Migrate from v1.4.0 to v2.0

setCenter() Use setCameraTarget() method.
setZoom() Use setCameraZoom() method.
setBearing() Use setCameraBearing() method.
setTilt() Use setCameraTilt() method.
getCenter() Use getCameraTarget() method.
getZoom() Use getCameraZoom() method.
getBearing() Use getCameraBearing() method.
getTilt() Use getCameraTilt() method.
setBackgroundColor() Move to the Environment class.
refreshLayout() You can execute it, but you don't need to do that. The plugin do this automatically.