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History / FAQ, common issues, troubleshooting


  • Adding instructions for quick hack on GPU clocks using coolbits for pre-Turing GPUs.

    @nwildner nwildner committed Jul 3, 2024
  • Updated FAQ, common issues, troubleshooting (markdown)

    @nwildner nwildner committed Jul 1, 2024
  • Added: "please do not report optimus-manager issues to the bbswitch tracker"

    @Askannz Askannz committed May 2, 2020
  • FAQ: added section about Coolbits and hybrid mode

    @Askannz Askannz committed Jan 10, 2020
  • README: fixed some outdated info

    @Askannz Askannz committed Oct 20, 2019
  • FAQ: added section about VK_ICD_FILENAMES

    @Askannz Askannz committed Oct 20, 2019
  • Added info about the systemd.mask trick

    @Askannz Askannz committed Jun 23, 2019
  • Updated list of DEs compatible with auto-logout

    @Askannz Askannz committed Jun 23, 2019
  • README : added FAQ entry about booting into

    @Askannz Askannz committed Jun 23, 2019
  • Small warning about enabling bbswitch

    @Askannz Askannz committed Jun 23, 2019
  • FAQ : fixed "stuck with a black screen" section

    @Askannz Askannz committed May 13, 2019
  • Fixed misplaced text

    @Askannz Askannz committed May 13, 2019
  • Fixed outdated logging instructions

    @Askannz Askannz committed May 13, 2019
  • Created FAQ, common issues, troubleshooting (markdown)

    @Askannz Askannz committed Apr 28, 2019