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User Manual

JunctionArt produces HD roadmaps and intersections.

Create intersection from incident points

In order to create an intersections using JunctionArt, there are some functionalities implemented in the JunctionBuilderFromPointsAndHeading class. Initialize the object JunctionBuilderFromPointsAndHeading using CountryCode and laneWidth for all the roads. Default country is US and the default width is three.

First import the following modules.

:::{code-block} import pyodrx from junctionart.extensions.CountryCodes import CountryCodes from library.Configuration import Configuration from junctionart.junctions.JunctionBuilderFromPointsAndHeading import JunctionBuilderFromPointsAndHeading import junctionart.extensions, os :::

Create the JunctionBuilderFromPointsAndHeading object. A;so create the configuration object to fetch the directory of esmini odr_viewer.

:::{code-block} builder = JunctionBuilderFromPointsAndHeading(country=CountryCodes.US, laneWidth=3) configuration = Configuration() :::

Specificly, function createIntersectionFromPointsWithRoadDefinition takes in odr ID, road definition (described below), road ID for the first road, length of the defined straight roads,and the format of the output. If getAsOdr is false, the function returns an intersection object.

:::{code-block} odr = builder.createIntersectionFromPointsWithRoadDefinition(odrID=0, firstRoadId=100, roadDefinition=roadDefinition, straightRoadLen=40, getAsOdr=True) :::

  1. odrID = unique ID for the resultant OpenDRIVE file
  2. firstRoadId = ID of the first road, ID of the rest of the roads are greater than firstRoadId
  3. roadDefinition = List of dictionaries for defining the incident roads
  4. straightRoadLen = length of the defined straight roads. All the incident roads have the same length.
  5. getAsOdr = a boolean to define othe output format. If True the output will an xodr file, otherwise the function returns an Intersection object.

Road Definition

Road definition is a list of dictionary to describe the incident roads of an intersection formatted as below:

:::{code-block} roadDefinition = [

        {'x': -30, 'y': 30, 'heading': 2, 'leftLane': 2, 'rightLane': 2, 'medianType': 'partial', 'skipEndpoint': pyodrx.ContactPoint.start},
        {'x':   0, 'y': 30, 'heading': 1,  'leftLane': 2, 'rightLane': 3, 'medianType': None, 'skipEndpoint': None},
        {'x':   0, 'y':  0, 'heading': -1.5, 'leftLane': 1, 'rightLane': 1, 'medianType': 'partial', 'skipEndpoint': pyodrx.ContactPoint.end},


  1. x, y is the cartesian coordinate of the point where the straight road is connected with the intersection. heading is the direction of the road outwards to the intersection. heading needs to be defined in radians.

  2. leftLane and rightLane define the number of lanes of the incident roads.

  3. medianType can takes the value None/partial. This parameter adds an island at the end of the road. Users can skip one end point by using the parameter skipEndpoint (possible values are pyodrx.ContactPoint.start and pyodrx.ContactPoint.end).

  4. Roads needs to be defined in clock-wise order

To view the intersection generated by using the above-mentioned road definition use the following statement:

:::{code-block} extensions.view_road(odr, os.path.join('..',configuration.get("esminipath"))) :::

three way intersection