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File metadata and controls

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My personal linux dotfiles




These are the configuration files from the software that I use regularly: that includes my window manager, text editors, shell and some more, ~~mostly~~ documented with comments in english. **Feel free to read, copy or fork the code that you need!**

For managing the files, I use a small script that uses GNU stow to create symlinks to whenever the config files are expected, while actually residing in the same ~/dotfiles directory, which makes it really easy to manage. For more information on how to use GNU stow for dotfiles check out this awesome video by the youtouber Tech Pills


In order to use my dotfiles, first clone the repo wherever you want to keep your dotfiles in your machine, and then move to that directory.

$ git clone
$ cd dotfiles/

Then just use the script:

Warning: using this script will OVERRIDE all past configuration files for the specified packages. Making a backup is advised.

  • For specific packages

      $ ./ package1 package2 ...
  • For all packages

      $ ./ -a
  • Listing all available packages

      $ ./ -l


Contributing in any way (such as proposing different configurations, upgrading the documentation or suggesting better ways of handling the files) are always welcome, and will be thoroughly appreciated!