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Including MLOps in pytorch project: Classification of sea animals images with pytorch

Overview of the project

This deep learning project aims to classify images of 19 different sea animals with pretrained MobileNetv3 pytorch model. The dataset comes from kaggle:

This test project had several objectives:

  • Learn how to use pytorch (pytorch-lightning) for computer vision
  • Include MLOps tools into my workflow such as:
    • DVC for data version control and pipeline
    • MLflow for experiment tracking

In this project, I tracked each step of the DVC pipeline by nesting Mlflow runs. This was made possible by (this awesome post)[] that provides clear explanations and code on how to track dvc pipelines with Mlflow.

Creating virtual environment and installing dependencies

  1. Download or clone this repository at the location of your choice

  2. Create a virtual environment with python 3.9.15:

    conda create --name [env name] python=3.9.15
  3. Activate your virtual environment and download the required dependencies:

    conda activate [env name]
    conda install --file requirements.txt
  4. Download the data from kaggle ( and extract the data in data/raw/.

The deep learning pipeline

General workflow

In progress ...

Run the pipeline

The steps of the pipeline are contained in dvc.yaml and the parameters conditioning the pipeline are in params.yaml.

Before running the pipeline, we must create an mlflow experiment with the command:

mlflow experiments create -n [name of experiment]

Then we can run the pipeline and track its progress with mlflow run:

make run_pipeline RUN_NAME=[name_of_your_run]

Once the run is complete, we can change some parameters and run the pipeline once again. By creating a DVC pipeline, we run only the steps of the pipeline that have changed, which can save a lot of computing time.

After a few runs we can access the mlflow dashboard to investigate the performances of our algorithm depending on the parameters we track:

mlflow ui

Examples of output

Mlflow dashboard

Here we can see the tracking results with the Mlflow dashboard with:

  1. First run where all the steps are executed and tracked by mlflow.

  2. Names of the file/step executed

  3. Names of the run ([name_of_your_run] in the make command.

  4. Metrics for each run