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Petals is a landing-style theme designed to entice your readers, whilst also being simple to set up in the Customizer. Allowing your site to make a bold impact with a variety of options including a different header design, Petals empowers your website with options to enhance your dream.


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=== Petals ===
Contributors: torres126
Tags: one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, custom-background, custom-colors, featured-images, featured-image-header, flexible-header, footer-widgets, custom-header, custom-logo, custom-menu, sticky-post, threaded-comments, translation-ready, wide-blocks, theme-options, portfolio, blog
Requires at least: 4.5
Tested up to: 5.1
Requires PHP: 5.2
Stable tag: 1.2
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI:

== Description ==

Petals is a landing-style theme designed to entice your readers, whilst also being simple to set up in the Customizer. Allowing your site to make a bold impact with a variety of options including a different header design, Petals empowers your website with options to enhance your dream. 

== Installation ==

1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance > Themes and click the Add New button.
2. Click Upload Theme and Choose File, then select the theme's .zip file. Click Install Now.
3. Click Activate to use your new theme right away.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= How do I set up my theme? =

Petals has been designed to be easy to set up, and can be done so directly from the Customizer. Pick your own header image and visit the "Theme Options" panel, from which you can also create a Promotion Panel. If you wish, you can also toggle your front-page to something bolder in the Front Page Panel. In order to utilise "Blocks", which emphasise certain content and provide the ability to link to other content, you'll need to activate a Static Front Page, then visit the Customizer. From there, all that's left to do is to start blogging!

= Does this theme support any plugins? =

Petals includes support for Jetpack's Infinite Scrolling, Social Menu, and Content Options. It is also compatible with all Gutenberg blocks. 

== Changelog ==

= 1.3 - Sep 01 2019 =
* Fixes an issue for content boxes overflowing when lacking a sidebar 
* Removes content created in the Customizer when beyond page one using Pagination, whilst fixing it from not appearing
* Prevents the site title overlapping with the mobile menu icon
* Resolves an issue with the CTA button linking to a page by default
* Improve clarity of Theme Options' location in the Customizer by increasing priority and changing colours
* Ensure the menu wraps properly regardless of the site title's length

= 1.2 - July 22 2019 =
* Adds alt tags for Featured Images
* Call the new wp_body_open function
* Ensure that the Header Text Colour automatically updates in the Customizer when changed, without the need to refresh
* Prevent a fatal error for users visiting a page with a Featured Image on a site without Jetpack
* Lots of sanitization and escaping!
* No longer display Petals Blocks unless using a Static Front Page
* Limit the number of Petals Blocks automatically displayed to reduce content creation

= 1.1 - July 01 2019 =
* Add support for Jetpack's Social Menu and Content Options
* Centralise Customizer panels under "Theme Options"
* Offer option to create "Blocks" for content emphasis 
* Comment improvements: distinguish more clearly the difference between an author comment and improve styling
* Display Featured Images on single posts, but allow Jetpack's Content Options to toggle this
* Prevent distorted layout in the Customizer when toggling the display of the site title and description
* Provide wide width and full width block alignment options
* Let the immediate activation of the theme result in text and colours which are similar to that of the theme's screenshot
* Support footer widgets
* Introduce a new "hamburger" icon 
* Minor bug fixes and improvements
* Improve organisation of styling

= 1.0 - June 23 2019 =
* Initial Release

== Credits ==

Petals WordPress Theme, Copyright 2019 torres126/Aurorum 
Petals distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL

* Based on Underscores, (C) 2012-2017 Automattic, Inc., [GPLv2 or later](
* normalize.css, (C) 2012-2016 Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal, [MIT](
* Montserrat and Hind fonts, licensed under [SIL Open Font License](
* Demo screenshot, and photos within the theme, exclusively use photos taken by theme developers, (C) Aurorum, licensed under CC0


Petals is a landing-style theme designed to entice your readers, whilst also being simple to set up in the Customizer. Allowing your site to make a bold impact with a variety of options including a different header design, Petals empowers your website with options to enhance your dream.






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