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Introduction & history

For almost a decade, Android developers have been trying to figure out how to architect their applications. MVC, MVP, MVVM, MVI, Clean Architecture, Flux, Redux, RxJava... You've probably heard it all if you listen to conference talks regularly. Buzzwords and concepts are plenty, and they (probably) all had applications built on them that worked well enough.

At the 2017 I/O conference, Google themselves finally took a stance on architecture, publishing their initial batch of architecture components as well as their "opinionated guide on app architecture" alongside them.

This year, at I/O '18, Google expanded on this by rebranding both the architecture components and some of the existing support libraries as Jetpack. Jetpack isn't just a collection of libraries, however, it also includes the guidance and tooling they provide in addition to these libraries. It also some includes libraries that were newly released in 2018, such as Paging, WorkManager, or Navigation.

Here's an overview of everything that's grouped under the Jetpack brand as of now:

Jetpack libraries

Later on, we'll be building on some of the pieces of this huge puzzle, namely, some of the architecture components. By now you might be already familiar with them, but let's take a look at these now.


Storing UI state has long been an issue on Android. We have to handle configuration changes (usually simplified to orientation changes, but we know there's more to it fthan that) by using savedInstanceState to save and then restore data in our Activity. This is tedious code to write, can only be done with primitives and serializable objects, has a size limit, and it's yet another thing that's very strongly coupled to our Activity instances.

This is what the ViewModel component aims to solve: it lets us store UI data in a lifecycle-aware way, yet nicely decoupled from our Activity. We can fetch ViewModel instances in our Activity (or Fragment, but I'll be sticking to Activity while explaining things here), and if we ask for the ViewModel again after a configuration change, we'll get the same ViewModel instance we had before.

ViewModel surviving an orientation change

This way, any data we store in the ViewModel will be available after the configuration change, and we can display it in our Activity again. ViewModel implementations are arbitrary classes (other than their mandatory superclass), and they can store any type of data as properties - no limitation to serializables.

Here's what the basic usage of ViewModel might look like:

class UserViewModel : ViewModel() {
    val user = User(name ="Sally", age = 25)
class UserActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        val userViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(

When fetching our ViewModel, we use the ViewModelProviders class, and we have to provide it with our Activity instance as well as the Class of the ViewModel we'd like it to instantiate. This call will return a brand new instance if our Activity has just started, or an existing one if we're making the call after a configuration change.

Some important notes about using ViewModel

Never store references to UI elements or the Activity inside ViewModel. It has a longer lifespan than these things, and would therefore cause serious memory leaks.

Keep in mind that ot can't replace savedInstanceState entirely. While it can store arbitrary data, and any amount of it (barring the memory limits of your app's VM), it essentially does this in a static way, and therefore it doesn't survive process death on low memory.

Recommendation: use it to store all data you need to populate your UI here. For example, this might be a user's name, address, their profile picture as a bitmap, etc.

On the other hand, savedInstanceState is written to disk even when the application is killed by the system, so it's the only way to restore state after a low memory event.

Recommendation: use it to store the minimal necessary amount of data you need to repopulate the ViewModel, for example, just the user's ID.

ViewModel Factory

The ViewModel example above is not a realistic implementation - it holds a constant value, but in reality, we'd like to fetch data from a data source of some sorts. To do this, we'd need to access a repository or at least a Context in our ViewModel.

As a first step, we can add the required parameter to our ViewModel's constructor, and use it to fetch our data:

class UserViewModel : ViewModel(private val context: Context) {
    val user = UserRepository(context).getUser()

However, if we do this, the previous call we made to ViewModelProviders will now fail with an exception at runtime, because it can no longer instantiate a UserViewModel on its own - it doesn't know where to get a Context from.

The way to tell the provider how to create a ViewModel with parameters is by giving it a ViewModelProvider.Factory implementation it can call when the ViewModel needs to be created. We can write one for our UserViewModel like this:

class UserViewModelFactory(private val context: Context) : ViewModelProvider.Factory {

    override fun <T : ViewModel?> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
        return UserViewModel(context) as T


The create method has to return a generic value, since the Factory could theoretically be asked to create an instance of any ViewModel subclass, but as long as we only ask this specific Factory to provide us UserViewModel instances, the cast we perform in it to T is safe.

Finally, we modify the call to ViewModelProviders, passing in an instance of our Factory:

val factory = UserViewModelFactory(applicationContext)
val viewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this, factory).get(

Note that we used the applicationContext as the parameter instead of passing in our Activity using this. We have to do this because the reference to this Context will be stored in the ViewModel later, and we don't want to leak our Activity.


LiveData is a lifecycle-aware, observable data holder. This sentence both sounds great and accurately describes what LiveData does - but let's look at it in detail, step by step.

An observable data holder

LiveData wraps a single value (of any type, as it's generic), and it implements the observer pattern. Its clients (the observers) can observe the LiveData instance, and every time the value contained by the LiveData changes, they'll be notified of the change, and receive the new value.

One of the usual places to make use of this is in - guess what - ViewModels. Instead of placing a simple value in the ViewModel, we can wrap it in a LiveData instead, which the Activity can then observe:

class UserViewModel : ViewModel() {
    val user: LiveData<User> = ...

class UserActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        val userViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(
        userViewModel.user.observe(this, Observer { user ->
            // show user on UI

This is a way of sending data from the ViewModel to the Activity without holding a direct reference to it.

Lifecycle awareness

Of course, there's still a reference somewhere in here from the LiveData instance to the Observer, and from there to the Activity, otherwise new values placed in the LiveData couldn't be propagated to the UI.

However, LiveData is lifecycle aware. For every observer we register to it, we need to pass in an associated LifecycleOwner (something with a lifecycle). In our example, this was the Activity itself. Through this interface, LiveData is able to track the Activity's lifecycle changes, and offer some very convenient features.

The most important perhaps is that it automatically removes Observer instances from itself whose lifecycle has ended. We don't have to keep a reference to our Observer in our Activity, and we can't forget to remove it in onDestroy. It's done for us automatically, both simplifying the API and preventing any memory leaks we might have otherwise introduced.

By tracking the lifecycle, LiveData also makes sure that only "active" Observers are notified of changes. If the value it holds is updated and the Activity the Observer belongs to is in the background, it won't send it an update until it's visible again. Furthermore, if the value changes multiple times while the Observer isn't active, it will only receive the latest value once it becomes active again.

Finally, LiveData observers are always notified on the UI thread, so we can immediately modify UI in the Observer without having to worry about threading on this end.

Creating and updating LiveData

We've seen how to observe LiveData instances, now let's take a look at the other side of using it: creating instances and setting the value it holds.

LiveData is actually just an interface, so we can't instantiate it directly. We do get a simple concrete implementation of it however, MutableLiveData:

val user: MutableLiveData<User> = MutableLiveData<User>()

If we're on the UI thread, we can update the stored value by calling the setValue method (or in Kotlin, setting the value property):

user.setValue(User("Ann", 34))
user.value = User("Jim", 41)

We can also set the value from a background thread without having to get back to the UI thread ourselves, by using the postValue method:

user.postValue(User("Zoe", 22))

The usual way to use LiveData in a ViewModel is to have a public property with the type LiveData that the Activity can observe but not modify, while storing the actual implementation in a backing property which has the MutableLiveData type so that we can set and modify its value from within the ViewModel:

class UserViewModel : ViewModel() {
    private val _user = MutableLiveData<User>()
    val user: LiveData<User> = _user
    fun initUser() {
        _user.value = User("Michael", 54)


With this done, let's get back to coroutines and talk about Coroutine scopes.