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File metadata and controls

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Introduction to Geopandas

Reading a Shapefile

Spatial data can be read easily with geopandas using gpd.from_file() -function:


@suppress import gdal

# Import necessary modules import geopandas as gpd

# Set filepath (fix path relative to yours) fp = "/home/geo/Data/DAMSELFISH_distributions.shp"

@suppress import os

@suppress """ NOTICE: Following is the real path to the data, the one above is for online documentation to reflect the situation at computing instance """

@suppress fp = os.path.join(os.path.abspath('data'), "DAMSELFISH_distributions.shp")

# Read file using gpd.read_file() data = gpd.read_file(fp)

  • Let's see what datatype is our 'data' variable



Okey so from the above we can see that our data -variable is a GeoDataFrame. GeoDataFrame extends the functionalities of pandas.DataFrame in a way that it is possible to use and handle spatial data within pandas (hence the name geopandas). GeoDataFrame have some special features and functions that are useful in GIS.

  • Let's take a look at our data and print the first 5 rows using the head() -function prints the first 5 rows by default



  • Let's also take a look how our data looks like on a map. If you just want to explore your data on a map, you can use .plot() -function in geopandas that creates a simple map out of the data (uses matplotlib as a backend):


@savefig damselfish.png width=5in data.plot();

Coordinate reference system (CRS)

GeoDataFrame that is read from a Shapefile contains always (well not always but should) information about the coordinate system in which the data is projected.

  • We can see the current coordinate reference system from .crs attribute:


Okey, so from this we can see that the data is something called epsg:4326. The EPSG number ("European Petroleum Survey Group") is a code that tells about the coordinate system of the dataset. "EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset is a collection of definitions of coordinate reference systems and coordinate transformations which may be global, regional, national or local in application". EPSG-number 4326 that we have here belongs to the WGS84 coordinate system (i.e. coordinates are in decimal degrees (lat, lon)). You can check easily different epsg-codes from this website.

Writing a Shapefile

Writing a new Shapefile is also something that is needed frequently.

  • Let's select 50 first rows of the input data and write those into a new Shapefile by first selecting the data using index slicing and then write the selection into a Shapefile with gpd.to_file() -function:
# Create a output path for the data
out = r"/home/geo/Data/DAMSELFISH_distributions_SELECTION.shp"

# Select first 50 rows
selection = data[0:50]

# Write those rows into a new Shapefile (the default output file format is Shapefile)

Task: Open the Shapefile now in QGIS that has been installed into our computer instance, and see how the data looks like.

Geometries in Geopandas

Geopandas takes advantage of Shapely's geometric objects. Geometries are stored in a column called geometry that is a default column name for storing geometric information in geopandas.

  • Let's print the first 5 rows of the column 'geometry':


# It is possible to use only specific columns by specifying the column name within square brackets [] data['geometry'].head()

Since spatial data is stored as Shapely objects, it is possible to use all of the functionalities of Shapely module that we practiced earlier.

  • Let's print the areas of the first 5 polygons:


# Make a selection that contains only the first five rows selection = data[0:5]

  • We can iterate over the selected rows using a specific .iterrows() -function in (geo)pandas:


for index, row in selection.iterrows():

# Calculate the area of the polygon poly_area = row['geometry'].area # Print information for the user print("Polygon area at index {0} is: {1:.3f}".format(index, poly_area))

  • Let's create a new column into our GeoDataFrame where we calculate and store the areas individual polygons:


# Empty column for area data['area'] = None

  • Let's iterate over the rows and calculate the areas
# Iterate rows one at the time
for index, row in data.iterrows():
    # Update the value in 'area' column with area information at index
    data.loc[index, 'area'] = row['geometry'].area


# THIS CODE RUNS IN BACKGROUND AND IS HIDDEN for index, row in data.iterrows(): data.loc[index, 'area'] = row['geometry'].area

  • Let's see the first 2 rows of our 'area' column



  • Let's check what is the min and the max of those areas using familiar functions from our previous numpy lessions


# Maximum area max_area = data['area'].max()

# Minimum area min_area = data['area'].mean()

print("Max area: %snMean area: %s" % (round(max_area, 2), round(min_area, 2)))

Creating geometries into a GeoDataFrame

Since geopandas takes advantage of Shapely geometric objects it is possible to create a Shapefile from a scratch by passing Shapely's geometric objects into the GeoDataFrame. This is useful as it makes it easy to convert e.g. a text file that contains coordinates into a Shapefile.

  • Let's create an empty GeoDataFrame.
# Import necessary modules first
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon
import fiona

# Create an empty geopandas GeoDataFrame
newdata = gpd.GeoDataFrame()


# Import necessary modules first import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon import fiona

# Create an empty geopandas GeoDataFrame newdata = gpd.GeoDataFrame()


# Let's see what's inside newdata

The GeoDataFrame is empty since we haven't placed any data inside.

  • Let's create a new column called geometry that will contain our Shapely objects:


# Create a new column called 'geometry' to the GeoDataFrame newdata['geometry'] = None

# Let's see what's inside newdata

Now we have a geometry column in our GeoDataFrame but we don't have any data yet.

  • Let's create a Shapely Polygon repsenting the Helsinki Senate square that we can insert to our GeoDataFrame:


# Coordinates of the Helsinki Senate square in Decimal Degrees coordinates = [(24.950899, 60.169158), (24.953492, 60.169158), (24.953510, 60.170104), (24.950958, 60.169990)]

# Create a Shapely polygon from the coordinate-tuple list poly = Polygon(coordinates)

# Let's see what we have poly

Okey, so now we have appropriate Polygon -object.

  • Let's insert the polygon into our 'geometry' column in our GeoDataFrame:


# Insert the polygon into 'geometry' -column at index 0 newdata.loc[0, 'geometry'] = poly

# Let's see what we have now newdata

Now we have a GeoDataFrame with Polygon that we can export to a Shapefile.

  • Let's add another column to our GeoDataFrame called Location with text Senaatintori.


# Add a new column and insert data newdata.loc[0, 'Location'] = 'Senaatintori'

# Let's check the data newdata

Okey, now we have additional information that is useful to be able to recognice what the feature represents.

Before exporting the data it is useful to determine the spatial reference system for the GeoDataFrame.

As was shown earlier, GeoDataFrame has a property called .crs that shows the coordinate system of the data which is empty (None) in our case since we are creating the data from the scratch:



  • Let's add a crs for our GeoDataFrame. A Python module called fiona has a nice function called from_epsg() for passing coordinate system for the GeoDataFrame. Next we will use that and determine the projection to WGS84 (epsg code: 4326):


# Import specific function 'from_epsg' from fiona module from import from_epsg

# Set the GeoDataFrame's coordinate system to WGS84 = from_epsg(4326)

# Let's see how the crs definition looks like

  • Finally, we can export the data using GeoDataFrames .to_file() -function. The function works similarly as numpy or pandas, but here we only need to provide the output path for the Shapefile. Easy isn't it!:
# Determine the output path for the Shapefile
outfp = r"/home/geo/Data/Senaatintori.shp"

# Write the data into that Shapefile

Now we have successfully created a Shapefile from the scratch using only Python programming. Similar approach can be used to for example to read coordinates from a text file (e.g. points) and create Shapefiles from those automatically.

Task: check the output Shapefile in QGIS and make sure that the attribute table seems correct.

Grouping data

One really useful function that can be used in Pandas/Geopandas is .groupby(). This function groups data based on values on selected column(s).

  • Let's group individual fishes in DAMSELFISH_distribution.shp and export the species to individual Shapefiles.
    • Note: If your `data` -variable doesn't contain the Damselfish data anymore, read the Shapefile again into memory using `gpd.read_file()` -function


# Group the data by column 'binomial' grouped = data.groupby('binomial')

# Let's see what we got grouped

  • groupby -function gives us an object called DataFrameGroupBy which is similar to list of keys and values (in a dictionary) that we can iterate over.


# Iterate over the group object

for key, values in grouped:

individual_fish = values

# Let's see what is the LAST item that we iterated individual_fish

From here we can see that an individual_fish variable now contains all the rows that belongs to a fish called Teixeirichthys jordani. Notice that the index numbers refer to the row numbers in the original data -GeoDataFrame.

  • Let's check the datatype of the grouped object and what does the key variable contain




As can be seen from the example above, each set of data are now grouped into separate GeoDataFrames that we can export into Shapefiles using the variable key for creating the output filepath names. Let's now export those species into individual Shapefiles.

# Determine outputpath
outFolder = r"/home/geo/Data"

# Create a new folder called 'Results' (if does not exist) to that folder using os.makedirs() function
resultFolder = os.path.join(outFolder, 'Results')
if not os.path.exists(resultFolder):

# Iterate over the
for key, values in grouped:
    # Format the filename (replace spaces with underscores)
    outName = "%s.shp" % key.replace(" ", "_")

    # Print some information for the user
    print("Processing: %s" % key)

    # Create an output path
    outpath = os.path.join(resultFolder, outName)

    # Export the data

Now we have saved those individual fishes into separate Shapefiles and named the file according to the species name. These kind of grouping operations can be really handy when dealing with Shapefiles. Doing similar process manually would be really laborious and error-prone.