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88 lines (51 loc) · 5.46 KB


Basic functionality

vip-design-system is a React component released in the NPM registry. It's a public package that anyone can install.

Languages & coding standard

Both JavaScript and TypeScript are used to implement the software.

We require that the WPVIP defined coding style to be used, defined in .eslintrc.js.

We also use .prettierrc to have a standard on coding formatting. It's recommended to set your Editor to apply "Format on Save".

JEST is the test-runnner used in this application.

Code structure

The code is structured in the following way:

  • .github/ — configuration and templates for GitHub actions.
  • .storybook/ — configuration files for Storybook
  • src/ — Javascript and Typescript react component files + Theme configuration + Components tests (on each component folder).
  • test/ — Test utilities, mocks or configuration for the test suite.
  • tokens/ — VIP Design Sytem tokens exported using Figma Studio. This is the source of truth for the Design team tokens, variables, etc.

Components structure

Components lives under the src/system/ComponentName directory. Each component folder contains a similar set of files. Let's use the Avatar component as an example:

  • Avatar.stories.tsx: This is the documentation file of the component. The *.stories is related to the Storybook story files.
  • Avatar.test.tsx: This is the test file for this component. We run jest as a runner in this application.
  • Avatar.tsx: This is the TypeScript component itself.
  • index.ts: Some components has a index file to export different files. This is not recommended anymore.

Theme UI & Radix UI Primitives

Most of our components are based on components. We try to write our own components as much as we can. Other components are based on Radix UI Primitives components. Radix usually has some solid and accessible components that we can use as a base.

Updating the Theme with VIP Design System Tokens

You need to update the tokens once the VIP Design System updates the core files. The Figma Studio plugin will push files into the tokens/ folder. Once these files are there, you can run the following:

npm run theme-update

to have an updated json theme under src/system/theme/generated/.

How the theming works

We use the VIP Design System Tokens as our base theme structure. All colors, spaces, types should come from a dynamic token system provided by the VIP Design team, currently using Figma as the design software. When the design system is updated by the Design team, they push files to the tokens/ directory.

By using the Token Transformer and a custom npm script, we parse this file getting only the VIP Dashboard theme we need for the react components. The light theme is called: wpvip-product-core, and the dark theme is called wpvip-product-dark.

Once the new file is updated, we need to generate a custom theme file in src/system/theme/generated/valet-theme-light.json. It will also generate a Dark theme version. This operation generates JSON files with the colors we need already filled in.

Once the theme is updated, the file src/system/theme/index.js reads the colors and apply to all components.

Use the section below to run the script and update the theme.

Important: If you change the generated/valet-theme-light.json or the generated/valet-theme-dark.json, or changes will be overwritten once someone runs npm run theme-update again.

Update theme script

Run this command to update the VIP Valet Theme with the latest tokens/** files.

npm run theme-update

Feature flags

No feature flags are currently in use.


This project has no database storage.


This is a standalone NPM package. Currently there's no API communication. All the code dependencies are listed in the package.json file of this project.

Major dependencies of this project are:

  • Storybook — Dev dependency for previewing our components and documentation
  • Theme UI — Base theme and components structure
  • Radix — React primitives components used to build some of our custom components