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component: transactions
component: transactions
Issues related to Transactions
component: upe
component: upe
Component: WC Payments Extensibility
Component: WC Payments Extensibility
Issues related to WC Payments extensibility initiative
component: wc subscriptions integration
component: wc subscriptions integration
Issues affecting subscriptions with WC Subscriptions plugin active.
component: wcpay subscriptions
component: wcpay subscriptions
Issues related to Stripe Billing Subscriptions
component: webhooks
component: webhooks
component: woo branded emails
component: woo branded emails
component: WooPay
component: WooPay
WooPay related issues
This issue is a task or technical debt that would be appropriate for cooldown work.
custom order tables
custom order tables
COT testing
Pull requests that update a dependency file
e2e: broken environment
e2e: broken environment
Change in e2e environment caused test failure.
e2e: broken flow
e2e: broken flow
e2e test is failing due to something wrong in the product.
e2e: broken test
e2e: broken test
e2e test itself is not working as expected.
focus: account lifecycle
focus: account lifecycle
focus: architecture
focus: architecture
Product architecture and engineering best practices
focus: capital
focus: capital
focus: checkout payments
focus: checkout payments
focus: deposits
focus: deposits
focus: devops
focus: devops
Release processes, monitoring, automations, dev tools, CI/CD pipeline
focus: disputes
focus: disputes
focus: Fee & VAT invoices
focus: Fee & VAT invoices
focus: fraud tools
focus: fraud tools
focus: integration & extensibility APIs
focus: integration & extensibility APIs
focus: misc or unknown
focus: misc or unknown
Issues that need to be added to a focus area (aka "needs focus").
focus: multi-currency
focus: multi-currency
focus: ops
focus: ops
General (non dev) operations bugs and enhancements, not matching any other focus area
focus: payments acceptance & processing
focus: payments acceptance & processing
focus: positioning & fees
focus: positioning & fees