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.. py:module:: dit.multivariate.total_correlation

Total Correlation

The total correlation :cite:`watanabe1960information`, denoted \T{}, also known as the multi-information or integration, is one generalization of the :ref:`mutual_information`. It is defined as the amount of information each individual variable carries above and beyond the joint entropy, e.g. the difference between the whole and the sum of its parts:

\T{X_{0:n}} &= \sum \H{X_i} - \H{X_{0:n}} \\
            &= \sum_{x_{0:n} \in X_{0:n}} p(x_{0:n}) \log_2 \frac{p(x_{0:n})}{\prod p(x_i)}

Two nice features of the total correlation are that it is non-negative and that it is zero if and only if the random variables X_{0:n} are all independent. Some baseline behavior is good to note also. First its behavior when applied to "giant bit" distributions:

.. ipython::

   In [1]: from dit import Distribution as D

   In [2]: from dit.multivariate import total_correlation as T

   @doctest float
   In [3]: [ T(D(['0'*n, '1'*n], [0.5, 0.5])) for n in range(2, 6) ]
   Out[3]: [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]

So we see that for giant bit distributions, the total correlation is equal to one less than the number of variables. The second type of distribution to consider is general parity distributions:

.. ipython::

   In [4]: from dit.example_dists import n_mod_m

   @doctest float
   In [5]: [ T(n_mod_m(n, 2)) for n in range(3, 6) ]
   Out[5]: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]

   @doctest float
   In [6]: [ T(n_mod_m(3, m)) for m in range(2, 5) ]
   Out[6]: [1.0, 1.5849625007211565, 2.0]

Here we see that the total correlation is equal to \log_2{m} regardless of n.

The total correlation follows a nice decomposition rule. Given two sets of (not necessarily independent) random variables, A and B, the total correaltion of A \cup B is:

\T{A \cup B} = \T{A} + \T{B} + \I{A : B}
.. ipython::

   In [18]: from dit.multivariate import coinformation as I

   In [19]: d = n_mod_m(4, 3)

   In [20]: T(d) == T(d, [[0], [1]]) + T(d, [[2], [3]]) + I(d, [[0, 1], [2, 3]])
   Out[20]: True


The total correlation consists of all information that is shared among the variables, and weights each piece according to how many variables it is shared among.

The total correlation :math:`\T{X : Y : Z}`


.. autofunction:: total_correlation