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Astrix Plugins

Elias Lindholm edited this page Oct 19, 2015 · 6 revisions

This is a very early draft

Astrix provides a number of extension points, where some of the more important are:

  • ServiceComponent
  • ServiceDiscoveryFactoryPlugin
  • BeanPublisherPlugin

This part describes how you plug-in your custom extensions into Astrix at runtime.

Implementing a plugin

A plugin is created by implementing the AstrixContextPlugin interface. It contains one non-default method:

public interface AstrixContextPluign {
	void prepare(ModuleContext moduleContext);
public class CustomRemotingModule implements AstrixContextPlugin {

	public void prepare(ModuleContext moduleContext) {
		// 1.
		moduleContext.bind(ServiceComponent.class, MyCustomRemotingComponent.class);
		// 2.
		// 3.
  1. Setup internal bindings used for dependency injection within the component, see astrix-modules
  2. Import components from the AstrixContext
  3. Export the ServcieComponent type from this module

Loading the plugin

Astrix uses the java ServiceLoader mechanism to load plugins at runtime.

Content of META-INF/services/com.avanza.astrix.context.AstrixContextPlugin
