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Releases: tp7/RgTools

Planar parameter added. Really.

12 Feb 09:22
@tp7 tp7
Choose a tag to compare

Planar parameter added to VerticalCleaner registration function. It worked before but apparently not always.

Adding more hacks

10 Feb 08:09
@tp7 tp7
Choose a tag to compare
Adding more hacks Pre-release

Planar parameter added to VerticalCleaner for compatibility with qtgmc. Same behavior as in RemoveGrain.

Do feel bad when using this feature.

Adding hacks

30 Nov 21:51
@tp7 tp7
Choose a tag to compare
Adding hacks Pre-release

Planar parameter is added to RemoveGrain and Repair. It allows to skip any colorspace checks whatsoever, making the filter always assume that planar input is passed.

You should feel bad if you use this feature.

This parameter will be removed at some point in the future.

It begins

30 Nov 11:57
@tp7 tp7
Choose a tag to compare
It begins Pre-release

Initial release.
24 modes of Removegrain, 24 modes of Repair, both modes of VerticalCleaner and three Clense variations are implemented.