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Obs Disp Conventions and Design Principles


Conventions help us not think about unimportant details and let us focus on what matters - what your software should do.




OD creator functions start with create*

Examples (domain: games):

  • createGameLoop - dispatches GAME_UPDATE continuosly
  • createInputTracker - tracks keyboard/gamepad input and dispatches events
  • createPlayer - draws player, tracks input events and handles player interactions with other objects
  • createGame - a general observer which creates instances of all game-related observers (like )

Examples (domain: html5 apps):

  • createInput - creates an input element, manages lifecycle, tracks and dispatches events for its instance
  • createTextarea - creates an textarea element... rest is similar to the above
  • createButton - ... you got the idea

Examples (domain: any arbitrary app in the browser):

  • createResizeTracker - attaches resize handler on the document, dispatches DOCUMENT_RESIZE
  • createHTMLEvents - tracks all events on the document and dispatches either a generic event (example: HTML_EV_ANY) with payload the event name and arguments, or/and also dispatches events which other components can listen to (e.g. HTML_EV_CLICK, HTML_EV_DRAG_START, HTML_EV_INPUT, etc.))
  • createCalculateLandArea - service-like - accepts an event to request some work done (e.g. LAND_AREA_REQUEST_CALCULATE) and dispatches back an event when the work is done: LAND_AREA_CALCULATED with the respective result payload
  • createCanvasDrawing - contextual controller - listens for events and draws to a canvas element for a drawing app, for example: BRUSH_STROKE (with payload of the position and the ), PAINT_FILL (with payload the position and any other parameters regarding the fill), COLOR_SET_MAIN - updates the internal state to have the main color used in other events. COLOR_SET_SECONDARY - updates the internal state so that tools use that as a secondary color

Single file for every OD


Filename: <root>/common/createInput.ts

// common/createInput.ts
export const createInput = obsDispCreator(...)

Filename: <root>/game/createPlayer.ts

// common/createPlayer.ts
export const createPlayer = obsDispCreator(...)

Use a single state variable

When creating obs-disp creators (using obsDispCreator or when directly adding one with addObsDisp) store anything that your OD changes to a state variable


Domain: html5 apps (imagine React/Angular)

const createCounter = obsDispCreator(() => {
    const state = {
        count: 0,
        counterEl: null as HTMLElement

    return {
        OBS_CREATE: () => {
            // code to initialize the counter
            state.counterEl = ...
        COUNTER_INCR: () => state.count++,
        COUNTER_DECR: () => state.count--,
        OBS_REMOVE: () => {
            // code to remove the counter
            // <remove it>
            state.counterEl = null

Domain: a tic-tac-toe game

// createTicTacToe.ts
const createTicTacToeGame = obsDispCreator(() => {
    // here is our state
    const state = {
        // here is our state
        board: initBoard(),

    const checkGameWon = () => { /* has access to state */ }
    const checkGameLost = () => { /* has access to state */ }

    const handleRequestPlaceMove = (args) => { /* has access to state */ }

    return {
        GAME_REQUEST_PLACE_MOVE: (ev) => {
            /* logic to set an O or X on the board, if position is not taken */

const initBoard = () => { /* return a 2d array for the board */ }

// createRenderBoard.ts
const createBoardRenderer = obsDispCreator(() => {
    // here is our state
    const state = {
        boardElements: [] as HTMLElement[]

    return {
        OBS_CREATE: () => {
            // initialize the board elements that we draw
            state.boardElements = ... // code to create html elements or draw onto canvas or in console

            // attach click handlers to dispatch GAME_REQUEST_PLACE_MOVE
        GAME_WON: () => { ... /* code to handle what happens when the board */},
        GAME_LOST: () => { ... },
        OBS_REMOVE: () => {
            // code to clean up the board, e.g.
            state.boardElements.forEach(el => el.remove())
            state.boardElements = []

// index.ts

Manage state via "private" functions

Examples: see the checkGameWon, checkGameLost, handleRequestPlaceMove from above.

These functions are accessible only from the OD instance and do not polute the module scope but deal with the state of the OD.

Design Principles

<work in progress>

Note: you can find real usages on the Usage Examples Page and Repo