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Obs Disp - Extended README

Motivation rant

The universe from the initial dialogue can be real. TLDR: my brain hurts. Code should be simpler and to the point. Especially for Front-End and state management! We should control code, not code us!

Full motivation note: I've been tired of abstractions, patterns, the need to learn 10 new concepts to get a simple input that interacts with 3 other inputs with "the latest hottest libraries out there". Do we have to be fancy all the time? Just for the sake of being fancy?! All those symbols, decorators, directives, new ways the code flows, new stuff to remember still, implicit logic triggered by convention, etc. My brain hurts. Surely, no. I know your name is not Surely, btw. It's fine if it is.

You know what else is fine?

To get down to your plain old JavaScript and just code-what-you-feel-like coding, on your own. Obs-Disp IS plain JS, it just adds 2 more basic functions to start playing with (creating isolated objects). That's the core of the API. And it only makes decoupling easier, not the other way around.

You wanna code a game with canvas? Fine. You want to add just a bit of modular JS (which nicely binds to other parts of your app)? Very easy. You want to handle dynamic removal and creation of objects which communicate cleanly? Sure!!! You want to wrap an existing library for easier use? YES! You want to empower some legacy code because it's very hard to reach from one part of it to another?? Oh, yes! Even, you want to create reusable components (be it in pure JS or wrapping a lib or any JS dependency)? Again yes! Obs-Disp just blends with vanilla JS code/constructs! And I am not even a geek, I only strive for simplicity...