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File metadata and controls

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Introduction to signals

In Elm, Signals are one of the basic building blocks for creating applications. You can think of a signal as a stream of values that change over time.

In Elm, Signals can be merged, transformed and filtered as you see fit.


Let's see a basic signal:

import Html
import Mouse

view : Int -> Html.Html
view x =
  Html.text (toString x)

main : Signal.Signal Html.Html
main = view Mouse.x

If you run this example in the browser you will see the changing x coordinate as you move your mouse.

In the first line we import the Html module from core, which we will use to display the x coordinate.

In the second line we import Mouse from core. This module has various utilities for working with the mouse.


view is a function that takes an integer and returns an html fragment (Int -> Html.Html).

But Html.text takes a string, so we need to convert x to a string first. This is done with the toString function.


In Elm applications main can return a static element or a signal. In this case main is returning a signal of Html (Signal.Signal Html.Html). That is, the HTML output by this application can vary over time!.

To understand how this is accomplished, let us deconstruct the last line of the code listing above.


Mouse.x gives us a signal of your mouse's x coordinate as it changes. This signal has the signature Signal.Signal Int, so it is a signal that carries an integer. is a function that converts or maps one signal to a different signal. Its type signature is : (a -> result) -> Signal a -> Signal result The first argument is a function that receives a value of type a and outputs a value of type result. It is used to take values from the source signal and output values of the target signal type. The second argument to is the source signal to be transformed. It has to be a signal of values of type a. The output is of type Signal result. That is, it is a signal of values of type result.

In the example above, the view function we defined above is used as the transformation or mapping function. It takes an Int value and outputs a value of type Html.Html. The second argument is a signal of Int values. So the output is a signal of Html.Html values. Which is what we want the function main to output!. returns a new signal with the result of mapping the values of the source signal through the provided transformation function. As the source signal changes, each new value is transformed into, or mapped to, a value of the target signal type.

Signal map

Diagram: We have a source signal (A). produces a second signal (B). This second signal produces values that are the double of the original signal.

Here is another example of map:

double x =
  x * 2

doubleSignal = double Mouse.x

double is a pure function that doubles its input. So doubleSignal is a signal that always gives us the current mouse x coordinate multiplied by 2.


Try combining the basic mouse x coordinate example above with doubleSignal so you see the current x multiplied by 2 as you move your mouse.