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Webhook Subscriber
Webhook Subscriber
2019-04-02 00:00:00 UTC
Learn how to configure and use the Streams Webhook Subscriber.

Streams Webhook subscriber allows clients to be notified via HTTP Post requests made by Streams to the endpoint provided during their subscription.

Create a Webhook subscription

You can create a webhook subscription by making an HTTP Post request on the following endpoint:

POST /streams/subscribers/webhook/api/v1/topics/{topicID}/subscriptions

The body must contain a JSON webhook subscription configuration as the following example:

    "webhookUrl": "https://valid.url/of/webhook",
    "webhookHeaders": {
      "additionalHeader": "value"
    "subscriptionMode": "snapshot-only",
    "authorization": {
        "type": "oauth2",
        "clientId": "myclientId",
        "clientSecret": "myclientSecret",
        "provider": "",
        "scope": "READ,WRITE",
        "mode": "body"
Configuration Entry Mandatory Default value Description
webhookUrl yes n/a URL which will be called by Streams in order to inform the subscriber that a new event/message has been published in the topic identified by {topicId}.
webhookHeaders no n/a Map of key/value which will send by Streams to the subscriber.
subscriptionMode no Default subscription mode defined in the topic's configuration For more information, see section subscription modes.
authorization no n/a OAuth2 Authorization configuration. For more information, see section OAuth2 Authorization.

After the webhook subscription is successfully created, Streams starts notifying the subscriber at the specified webhookUrl.

Authorization with OAuth 2.0

The Webhook subscriber can post data to an API that is secured with OAuth2 protocol. Because the Webhook subscriber authenticates to the authorization server without any end-user interaction, the only OAuth2 authorization grant type supported is the client credentials.

The OAuth2 authorization workflow is implemented with the following limitations:

  • The OAuth2 authorization workflow is initiated on the authorization server URL for the first polling, and the retrieved access token is reused for following requests until it expires.
  • Refresh token mechanism is not implemented.
  • Only access token of type Bearer is supported.
  • The authorization request is made via a POST method on the authorization server, and the client credentials are sent either via header or body.

The following table lists the OAuth2 authorization configuration:

Attribute Mandatory Default value Description
type yes none Type of authorization protocol configured on the API. Currently, only oauth2 is supported.
clientId yes none The client identifier issued during the registration process.
clientSecret yes none The client secret issued during the registration process.
provider yes none Target URL of the authorization server.
mode yes header Whether to send client authentication via body or a basic authorization header.
scope no none A scope request parameter.

The following is an example of how to implement OAuth authorization:

  "webhookUrl": "https://valid.url/of/webhook",
  "subscriptionMode": "snapshot-only",
  "authorization": {
    "type": "oauth2",
    "clientId": "myclientId",
    "clientSecret": "myclientSecret",
    "provider": "",
    "scope": "READ,WRITE",
    "mode": "body"

Create status codes

Below the list of HTTP status codes that can be returned when trying to create a webhook subscription:

Code Comment
201 Created Indicates that the subscription request is valid and has been created.
400 Bad Request Indicates that the provided data are invalid.
404 Not found Indicates that the requested URL does not exist.

Stop a webhook subscription

To stop the sending of webhook notifications, simply delete the corresponding webhook subscription with following request:

DELETE /streams/subscribers/webhook/api/v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}

Delete status codes

Below the list of HTTP status codes that can be returned when deleting the webhook subscription

Code Comment
204 No Content Indicates that the subscription has been successfully deleted.
404 Not found Indicates that the provided identifier does not correspond to an existing webhook subscription.

Get a webhook subscription

To get an existing subscription, use the following GET request:

GET /streams/subscribers/webhook/api/v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}

Get status codes

Below the list of HTTP status codes that can be returned when trying to get a kafka subscription:

Code Comment
200 Ok Indicates that the subscription requested is valid and has been retrieved.
404 Not found Indicates that the requested URL or subscription requested does not exist.

Test a webhook subscription

You can test a webhook subscription by making an HTTP Post request on the following endpoint:

POST /streams/subscribers/webhook/api/v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/test

The request body can contain any JSON object and will be sent as is to the identified subscription.

Test status codes

The following HTTP status codes can be returned while testing a webhook subscription:

Code Comment
202 Accepted Indicates that the payload has been successufuly sent to the subscription.
400 Bad Request Indicates that the provided data are invalid.
404 Not found Indicates that the requested URL does not exist.

Get the webhook notification history for a subscription

Use the following GET request to retrieve the history of webhook exchanges (requests and responses) that have occurred for a subscription in the last 5 minutes:

GET /streams/subscribers/webhook/api/v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/exchanges

You can change the default time window of the retrieved history with start and end query params (date-time in ISO 8601 format, eg: 2021-01-10T10:13:32Z):

GET /streams/subscribers/webhook/api/v1/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/exchanges?start=2021-01-10T10:13:30Z&end=2021-01-10T10:13:32Z

Webhook exchanges status codes

The following HTTP status codes can be returned when interacting with the exchanges history:

Code Comment
200 Ok Indicates that the exchanges history requested is valid and has been retrieved.
400 Bad Request Indicates that the request is invalid.

Webhook exchange samples

  "subscriptionId": "9794665d-a566-40a6-9113-8f345ed90eb5",
  "pipelineId": "3c83d607-f42f-4438-b4b1-b4856eb4dc4a",
  "eventType": "snapshot",
  "requestDatetime": "2021-01-18T10:13:32.127711Z",
  "requestDuration": "PT0.153501S",
  "requestUrl": "https://valid.url/of/webhook",
  "responseCode": 200,
  "responseHeaders": {
    "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
    "Connection": "keep-alive",
    "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
  "responseBody": "{ \"success\": \"ok\" }",
  "responseSize": "19B"
  "subscriptionId": "9794665d-a566-40a6-9113-8f345ed90eb5",
  "pipelineId": "941253bd-1551-4a22-9988-4e54b0de9c14",
  "eventType": "snapshot",
  "requestDatetime": "2021-01-18T16:25:05.547734Z",
  "requestDuration": "PT0.195613S",
  "requestUrl": "https://valid.url/wrong/path",
  "requestHeaders": {},
  "responseCode": 404,
  "errorMessage": "404 NOT_FOUND"
  "subscriptionId": "9794665d-a566-40a6-9113-8f345ed90eb5",
  "pipelineId": "941253bd-1551-4a22-9988-4e54b0de9c14",
  "eventType": "snapshot",
  "requestDatetime": "2021-01-18T16:25:05.743574Z",
  "requestDuration": "PT0.195613S",
  "requestRetryAttempts": 1,
  "requestRetryMaxAttempts": 1,
  "requestUrl": "https://valid.url/wrong/path",
  "requestHeaders": {},
  "responseCode": 404,
  "errorMessage": "404 NOT_FOUND"

Get webhook subscriptions for a topic

To get existing subscriptions, use the following GET request on your topic:

GET /streams/subscribers/webhook/api/v1/topics/{topicId}/subscriptions

For more information on how pagination and sorting work, see Pagination.

The field names allowed for sorting are :

  • subscriptionMode
  • webhookUrl

Webhook event

As soon as the publisher starts to publish data, the webhook subscribers start to receive the events via webhook callbacks.

The webhook call is an HTTP POST request that contains two types of data: headers and a payload.


Header name Description
X-Axway-Streams-Subscription-Id Unique identifier of the webhook subscription.
X-Axway-Streams-Topic-Id Identifier of the topic to which the subscription belongs.
X-Axway-Streams-Event-Id Identifier of the event.
X-Axway-Streams-Event-Type Type of the payload (snapshot, patch or error).
Webhook Event Payload See Webhook payload samples.


Fore more information, see Subscription modes and Subscription error.