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File metadata and controls

234 lines (176 loc) · 11.3 KB

Basic login and signup system

The UserIdentificationSystem package has a class that allows users to register, login, and signup using a username and 1 password.

This class is called Basic()

Parameters Basic()

Parameter Default value Description Data Type
filename REQUIRED PARAMETER The name of the database the user's credentials will be stored. The Basic() class will automatically create and initialise a new database with this name. string
log False If set to True, the system will automatically log user's actions to a "log.txt" file. boolean

Methods Basic()

Simplified version

Method Short description
:ref:`get_log()` This function gets all the logs recorded by the system.
:ref:`get_usernames()` This function gets all the usernames that have been registered in the system.
:ref:`username_is_valid()` This function is to check if a username is valid or not.
:ref:`signup()` This function will register a new user in the database.
:ref:`login()` This function will compare the username and password with the system.
:ref:`deluser()` This function will delete a user from the system.
:ref:`secure()` This function is vital to be present at the end of your code to securely close the database connection.


If the self.log class variable is set to true during the setup, a log.txt file will automatically be generated along with the database file. This can also be done optionally using the create_log() method.

This method returns a list that contains each log (represented as a single dictionary).
controller = Basic("mydatabase.db", log=True) # Log must be True
logs = controller.get_log() # Returns the logs from the log file.


The get_usernames() method is a useful feature that provides you with all the registered and valid users in the system.

This method returns a list containing all the usernames registered in the system.
controller = Basic("mydatabase.db")
log = controller.get_usernames() # Returns a list with all the registered usernames.


The username_is_valid() method checks whether or not a username is valid. The username is valid if it is not already taken by another user.

Parameter Data type
username String
Returns a boolean depending on if the username provided is valid or not.
controller = Basic("mydatabase.db")

# Returns a boolean depending on if the username is valid or not.
log = controller.username_is_valid("uis learner")


The signup() method allows you to register users into the system.

Parameter Description Data type
username A unique name the user will be represented by. String
password The authentication key the user has selected. String

This method returns a boolean depending on if the process was executed successfully or not.

If this method returns a False, it could occur because:

  1. The username was invalid (It was already in use by another user).
  2. An error occurred with the database (Rare case).
controller = Basic("mydatabase.db", log=True) # Log is optional

# If log is set to True...
# will automatically log a signup statement (both if it failed or if it was successful.
success = controller.signup("uis learner", "password123") # Will return True if process was successful


The login() method compares the user's credentials with the credentials stored in the database.

Parameter Description Data type
username The unique name the user chose while signing up. String
password The password assigned to that specific username. String

This method returns a boolean depending on the validity of the user's credentials.

If this method returns False, it could occur because of the following reasons:

  1. The username passed in does not exist.
  2. The user's credentials are invalid.
  3. There is an error with the database (Rare case).
controller = Basic("mydatabase.db", log=True) # Log is optional

# If log is set to True...
# will automatically log a login statement (both if it failed or if it was successful).
success = controller.login("uis_learner", "password123")


The deluser() method deletes a user from the database, after confirming the validity of the user.

Parameter Description Data type
username The unique name the user chose while signing up. String
password The password assigned to that specific username. String

This method returns a boolean depending on the validity of the user's credentials.

If this method returns False, it could occur because of the following reasons:

  1. The username passed in does not exist.
  2. The user's credentials are invalid.
  3. There is an error with the database (Rare case).


If log=True during the setup of the system, then a delete statement along with a login statement will be logged into the log.txt file.

controller = Basic("", log=True) # Log is optional
success = controller.deluser("uis learner", "password123")


The secure() method is essential to be present at the end of your code. It is responsible to close the connection of the databse. If the databse is not closed, it stays open until it goes out of scope.

This method returns True if the database was successfully closed.
controller = Basic("mydatabase.db") # This method does not log
# login(), signup(), deluser(), get_usernames(), username_is_valid()...
# ...can be called here.

Class variables Basic()

Simple overview

Class variable Description Data type
self.log Configuration for log at setup of the system. Boolean
self.filename The filename of the database. String
:ref:`self.username` The latest username used in the system. String


The username class variable contains the latest username used in the system. The username is updated in the following cases:

  1. If the signup() method returns True.
  2. If the username passed in the login() method is valid.
  3. If the username passed in the deluser() method is valid.