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Aykarus edited this page Feb 7, 2019 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the ArchLinux_Setup wiki!


Here is a download link to the Arch iso file as well as the official installation guide


Official Guide

Firstly you want to connect to the internet.

You can do this through a wired or wireless connection.


  1. Connect through Ethernet
  2. Try to ping any site
  3. Use $dhcpcd command if issues occur
  4. Over all this should be a simple process


*note: for this i will be using wifi-menu

  1. Install the dialog dependency using $sudo pacman -S dialog
  2. Run $wifi-menu

Set Time

use timedatectl set-ntp true


For this you can use fdisk but I prefer to use cfdisk as it is a graphical way of partitioning your drives. partition your drives however you like but i will make one swap and one large drive for everything.