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PowerDataOps module index

Administration commands

Command Synopsis
Add-XrmInstance Create new Dataverse instance.
Provision new dataverse instance with database.
Assert-XrmAdminConnected Check if current user has D365 / Dataverse admin role.
This command is done each time we need to run admin operation.
This mean that we need to proceed to Connect-XrmAdmin before.
Backup-XrmInstance Backup instance
Add a backup for given instance
Connect-XrmAdmin Use Add-PowerAppsAccount cmdlet signs in the user or application account and saves the sign in information to cache.
Use this command to embed Power Apps Admin cmdlets
Copy-XrmInstance Copy instance to another.
Copy given source instance to target source instance.
Get-XrmBackup Retrieve backup infos
Retrieve a backup from given instance
Restore-XrmInstance Restore instance at given time.
Restore a backup of given instance to itself or another instance.
Set-XrmInstanceMode Enable or disable admin mode on given instance
Administration mode will prevent users to access to instance.
Watch-XrmOperation Monitor operation completion.
Poll operation status from given url until its done.

Attributes commands

Command Synopsis
Get-XrmAttributeValue Read entity attribute.
Extract entity attribute value from record / table row.
Set-XrmAttributeValue Set entity attribute value.
Add or update attribute value.

Audit commands

Command Synopsis
Get-XrmAuditHistory Retrieve audit for given record.
Get record audit history for given fields changes
Get-XrmAuditPartitions Retrieve audit partitions
Get record audit logs with date range and size.

BuildTasks commands

Command Synopsis
Backup-XrmSolutionsBuild Run build action to unpack solutions
This cmdlet is designed to be fully intergrated in Az DevOps pipeline.
This cmdlet export given solutions and then start SolutionPackager extract action to working directory.
Export-XrmSolutionsBuild Run build action to export solutions.
This cmdlet is designed to be fully intergrated in Az DevOps pipeline.
This cmdlet export given solutions in order to add them to build artifacts.
Import-XrmSolutionsBuild Run build action to import solutions
This cmdlet is designed to be fully intergrated in Az DevOps pipeline.
This cmdlet import given solutions from artifacts.
Set-XrmSolutionsVersionBuild Run build action to upgrade solutions versions
This cmdlet is designed to be fully intergrated in Az DevOps pipeline.
This cmdlet update solution version number.

AzDevOps commands

Command Synopsis

Browser commands

Command Synopsis
Export-XrmConnectionToBrowser Configure browser according to Dataverse environnements.
Provision or update Chrome or Edge (based on chromium) profile with all dataverse apps and Power Platform usefull links.

Client commands

Command Synopsis
Add-XrmRecord Create entity record in Microsoft Dataverse.
Add a new row in Microsoft Dataverse table and return created ID (Uniqueidentifier).
Get-XrmMultipleRecords Retrieve multiple records with QueryExpression.
Get rows from Microsoft Dataverse table with specified query (QueryBase).
This command use pagination to pull all records.
Get-XrmRecord Search for record with simple query.
Get specific row (Entity record) according to given id, key, or attribute.
Invoke-XrmBulkRequest Execute Multiple Organization Request.
Send requests to Microsoft Dataverse for bulk execution.
Invoke-XrmBulkRequests Split and Execute Multiple Organization Requests.
Send requests to Microsoft Dataverse for bulk execution.
Invoke-XrmRequest Execute Organization Request.
Send request to Microsoft Dataverse for execution.
Join-XrmRecords Associate records in Dataverse.
Add a link between 1 row (Entity record) and multiple rows in Microsoft Dataverse.
New-XrmClient Initialize CrmServiceClient instance.
Create a new connection to Microsoft Dataverse with a connectionstring.
Out-XrmClient Initialize CrmserviceClient instance from instance object.
Create a new connection to Microsoft Dataverse from instance object.
Protect-XrmCommand Protect command from API Limit issues.
This cmdlet provide a core method for all API calls to Microsoft Dataverse.
The aim is to provide a retry pattern to prevent technical issues as API Limits or network connectivity
Remove-XrmRecord Remove record from Microsoft Dataverse.
Delete row (entity record) from Microsoft Dataverse table by logicalname + id or by Entity object.
Set-XrmClientTimeout Specify CrmserviceClient timeout.
Extend default CrmserviceClient timeout.
Split-XrmRecords Disassociate records in Dataverse.
Remove a link between 1 row (Entity record) and multiple rows in Microsoft Dataverse.
Update-XrmRecord Update entity record in Microsoft Dataverse.
Update row (entity record) from Microsoft Dataverse table.
Update-XrmRecordFileUpload Upload a file to an entity record's file attribute field in Microsoft Dataverse.
Upload a file to a date row's (entity record's) file field from Microsoft Dataverse table.
Upsert-XrmRecord Upsert entity record in Dataverse.
Upsert row (entity record) from Microsoft Dataverse table.
Watch-XrmAsynchOperation Monitor async operation completion.
Poll status from asynchoperation id until its done.

Connection commands

Command Synopsis
Export-XrmConnectionToXrmToolBox Export instances collection to XML file with connection strings to XrmToolBox connection file.
Populate XrmToolbox connections with available instance for given user.
Get-XrmConnection Get connections from XrmToolBox.
Browse and retrieve information from XrmToolBox saved connections.
Import-XrmConnection Import XrmToolBox connection from file.
Populate XrmToolbox connection object from XML file.
New-XrmConnection Initialize new object that represent a Dataverse Connection.
Out-XrmConnectionString Build Connection String from instance object.
Output connection string from given Microsoft Dataverse instance object.
Out-XrmConnectionStringParameter Extract parameter value from connectionstring.
Output connection string parameter value.

Converters commands

Command Synopsis
ConvertTo-XrmObject Transform Entity to custom object.
Represent Entity object to custom object.
ConvertTo-XrmObjects Transform Entity Collection to custom object collection.
Represent Entity objects to custom objects array.

Excel commands

Command Synopsis
Read-XrmExcelSheet Read Excel Sheet.
Get Excel content from given sheet as bi-dimensional array.
Write-XrmExcelSheet Write Excel Sheet.
Push Microsoft Dataverse rows / entity records to Excel file on a specific sheet.

Instances commands

Command Synopsis
Get-XrmInstance Retrieve instance by name
Get Microsoft Dataverse instance object by its domainname / urlhostname
Get-XrmInstances Retrieve instances collection.
Get Microsoft Dataverse instance object collection according to current user rights.
New-XrmInstance Initialize new object that represent a Xrm Instance.

LanguagePack commands

Command Synopsis
Add-XrmLanguagePack Activate given language.
Install specify language pack to target instance.
Remove-XrmLanguagePack Desactivate given language
Uninstall specify language pack from target instance.

Metadata commands

Command Synopsis
Get-XrmAttributesLogicalName Retrieve entities logicalname attribute.
Get list of columns / attribute logical names from given entity / table.
Get-XrmEntitiesLogicalName Retrieve entities logicalname
Get list of entity / table logical names.

Organization commands

Command Synopsis
Get-XrmOrganization Get Organization object.
Retrieve default organization record from target instance.
Get-XrmOrganizationClientFeatures Get Organization Client Features.
Retrieve all or specified client features from default organization (see : Get-XrmOrganization)
Get-XrmOrganizationDbSetting Get Organization setting.
Retrieve organization setting (orgdbsetting) from target instance.
Get-XrmOrganizationFeatures Get Organization Features
Retrieve all or specified features from default organization (see : Get-XrmOrganization)
Set-XrmOrganizationClientFeature Set Organization Client Feature.
Define specific client feature for default organization (see : Get-XrmOrganization)
Set-XrmOrganizationDbSetting Set Organization setting.
Add or update orgdbsetting value.
Set-XrmOrganizationFeature Set Organization Feature.
Define specific feature for default organization (see : Get-XrmOrganization)

Plugins commands

Command Synopsis
Get-XrmPluginTraces Retrieve plugin traces.
Get latest plugin trace log from target instance.
Remove-XrmPluginsFromAssembly Remove Plugins Steps and Types From Assembly.
Uninstall all steps and types from plugin assembly.
Upsert-XrmAssembly Create or update plugin / workflow assembly.
Add new or update existing assembly content from local dll file.

Query commands

Command Synopsis
Add-XrmQueryCondition Add filter to given query expression.
Add new condition criteria to given query expression.
Add-XrmQueryLink Add link entity to given query expression.
Add new link to given query expression to join to another table / entity.
Add-XrmQueryLinkCondition Add filter to given link entity.
Add new condition criteria to given link entity.
Add-XrmQueryOrder Add order to query expression.
Set sort order to query expression.
Get-XrmTotalRecordCount Returns total number of rows in given entity / table.
Returns data on the total number of records for specific entities. (RetrieveTotalRecordCount)
New-XrmFetchExpression Return a fetch expression from fetch xml
Initialize new fetch expression object.
New-XrmQueryExpression Return QueryExpression object instance.
Initialize new query expression object.

Requests commands

Command Synopsis
Add-XrmRequestParameter Add parameter to request.
Add parameter name and value to given request.
New-XrmRequest Initialize Request object instance.
Get a new Organization Request object instance.

Security commands

Command Synopsis
Add-XrmUserRoles Add security roles to user.
Assign on or multiple roles to given user.
Get-XrmRolePrivileges Retrieve security role privileges.
Get role privileges from given role.
Get-XrmRoles Retrieve security roles.
Get security roles according to different criterias.
Get-XrmRootBusinessUnit Retrieve root business unit.
Get top business unit of organization.
Get-XrmUser Retrieve user.
Get system user according to given ID with expected columns.
Get-XrmUserBusinessUnit Retrieve user business unit.
Get user parent business unit.
Get-XrmUserRoles Retrieve user assigned security roles.
Get security roles associated to given user.
Get-XrmUsers Retrieve users.
Get all system users from instance.
Get-XrmUsersRoles Retrieve assigned security roles for all users.
Get all users with associated roles. This could help to determine unused roles or bad configurations.
Remove-XrmUserRoles Remove security roles to user.
Unassign one or multiple roles to given user.

Components commands

Command Synopsis
Add-XrmSolutionComponent Add Solution Component.
Add given component to specified solution.
Copy-XrmSolutionComponents Copy Solution Components.
Add all components from source solution to target one.
Get-XrmSolutionComponentName Get Solution Component name from Id.
Retrieve component name from its number.
Get-XrmSolutionComponents Get Solution Components.
Retrieve components from given solution and expected types.

Layers commands

Command Synopsis
Clear-XrmActiveCustomizations Clear active customizations for given solution components.
Performs a cleaning on Active Layer to remove unmanaged customizations for given component types.
Remove-XrmActiveCustomizations Remove active customizations.
Performs a cleaning on Active Layer to remove unmanaged customizations for given component.

Solutions commands

Command Synopsis
Clear-XrmSolutions Select solutions to uninstall.
Select solutions (managed or unmanaged) and delete them.
Export-XrmSolution Export solution.
Export given solution with given settings.
Get-XrmBasicSolution Retrieve basic solution record.
Get basic solution with specified column.
Get-XrmSolution Retrieve solution record.
Get solution by its unique name with expected columns.
Get-XrmSolutionHistory Retrieve solutions history.
Get solution operation logs.
Get-XrmSolutions Retrieve solutions records.
Get all solutions from instance with expected columns.
Get-XrmSolutionVersion Get solution version.
Get version number from given solution.
Import-XrmSolution Import solution.
Performs solution import to target instance.
Invoke-XrmSolutionPackager Run solution packager tool.
Pack or unpack given solution file with Solution Packager.
Publish-XrmCustomizations Publish customizations.
Apply unpublished customizations to active layer to promote UI changes.
Select-XrmSolutions Display solutions selector.
Open gridview view all solutions and select one or many.
Set-XrmSolutionVersion Set solution version.
Update specified solution by its uniquename with given version number.
Start-XrmSolutionUpgrade Start delete and promote operation for solution.
Replace managed solution by new one after import.
Watch-XrmCurrentSolutionImport Monitor current solution import.
Poll latest solution import status until its done and display progress.

SQL commands

Command Synopsis
Assert-XrmTdsEndpointEnabled Check if TDS endpoint is enabled.
Assert orgdbsettings EnableTDSEndpoint parameter is true to allow SQL commands thru TDS Endpoint.
Disable-XrmTdsEndpoint Disable TDS endpoint.
Configure orgdbsettings parameter to prevent SQL commands thru TDS Endpoint.
Enable-XrmTdsEndpoint Enable TDS endpoint.
Configure orgdbsettings parameter to allow SQL commands thru TDS Endpoint.
Invoke-XrmSqlCommand Connect to TDS endpoint.
Specify connection parameters to run SQL commands thru TDS Endpoint.

Themes commands

Command Synopsis
Get-XrmTheme Retrieve theme record.
Get theme by its name with expected columns.
Get-XrmThemes Retrieve theme records.
Get themes with expected columns.
Publish-XrmTheme Publish theme.
Apply theme to target instance
Set-XrmThemeColor Change theme color.
Set theme accent color.

Tracing commands

Command Synopsis
Trace-XrmFunction Output verbose information about function call.
Core module method to trace information and measure calls performance.
Write-XrmMessageToSlack Push message to slack
Use Slack webhook to send current message in target channel.

Types commands

Command Synopsis
New-XrmContext Initialize new object that represent a Xrm Context.
Core module cmdlet that create new object to store context information.
New-XrmEntity Initialize Entity object instance.
Create a new Microsoft Dataverse Entity object.
New-XrmEntityCollection Initialize EntityCollection object instance.
Get new Entity Collection object from entities array.
New-XrmEntityReference Initialize EntityReference object instance.
Get new EntityReference object from lookup information.
New-XrmMoney Initialize Money object instance.
Get new money object from given decimal value.
New-XrmOptionSetValue Initialize OptionSetValue object instance.
Get new OptionSetValue object from given int value.
New-XrmOptionSetValues Initialize OptionSetValueCollection object instance.
Get new OptionSetValueCollection object from given int value array.

Utilities commands

Command Synopsis
Add-XrmFolder Add folder in given path if it doesn't exists.
Create given folder if not exist and return sub folder full path.
Get-XrmAuthTypes Retrieve authentication type names.
Get available authentication types.
Get-XrmBase64 Get base 64 from file content.
Read given file and return its content as base64 content.
Get-XrmRegions Retrieve region names.
Get available datacenter regions.
Set-XrmCredentials Initialize PSCredential object.
Create PSCredential from given login and password.
Split-XrmCollection Split given collection into specified sized collections.
Extract chunk collections from given one.

Views commands

Command Synopsis
Get-XrmQueryFromFetch Retrieve query expression from fetch Xml.
Convert FetchXml to QueryExpression.
Get-XrmRecordsFromView Retrieve records from a view.
Get records according to given view name.
Get-XrmViews Retrieve savedquery records.
Get all saved query according to entity name and predefined columns.

WebResources commands

Command Synopsis
Sync-XrmWebResources Synchronize a webresource folder to Microsoft Dataverse.
Create or update each webresource content based on local directory.
Upsert-XrmWebResource Create or update webresource.
Check if webresource exists or not. If not exists create it and add it to specified solution.
If webresource exists, compare content and update it if different.

Workflows commands

Command Synopsis
Disable-XrmWorkflow Disable a workflow.
Deactivate given workflow.
Enable-XrmWorkflow Enable a workflow.
Activate given workflow.
Get-XrmWorkflows Retrieve workflows.
Get workflows with expected columns.

_Internals commands

Command Synopsis