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Bind your app with Azure COSMOS SQL API

This sample shows how to run app with Azure Cosmos DB(SQL) in Azure Spring Apps.


How to run

  1. Run mvn clean package.
  2. Install Azure CLI extension for Azure Spring Apps by running below command.
    az extension add -y --source
  3. Create an instance of Azure Spring Apps.
    az spring-cloud create -n <resource name> -g <resource group name>
  4. Create an app with public domain assigned.
    az spring-cloud app create -n <app name> -s <resource name> -g <resource group name> --is-public true 
  5. Deploy app with jar
    az spring-cloud app deploy -n <app name> -s <resource name> -g <resource group name> --jar-path ./target/asc-service-binding-cosmosdb-sql-sample-0.1.0.jar
  6. Add a binding for this app
    az spring-cloud app binding cosmos add --api-type sql --app <app name> -s <resource name> -g <resource group name> -n cosmos --resource-id <resource id of your cosmos db account> --database-name <database name>
  7. Restart the app
    az spring-cloud app restart -n <app name> -s <resource name> -g <resource group name>
  8. Verify app is running. Instances should have status RUNNING and discoveryStatus UP.
    az spring-cloud app show -n <app name> -s <resource name> -g <resource group name>